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Discover What Your Numbers Mean This Year

Insights into 2015: Your Numbers Unveiled

According to Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple Computer with Steve Jobs as he looks at this year from a numerical perspective,

“2015 is mathematically sound. 20 is 4*5 and 15 is 3*5.” — Woz

Keep reading to see what your numbers are for 2015.


For many people, like Woz and my friend Mike Madigan who is a numerologist, numbers carry extra meaning.

Numerology is the science of numbers and their influence upon virtually every aspect of your life.

You can get a free Numerology report at Matt’s site.

get your free numerology reading

I must admit I was a little skeptical at first… but I signed up, got my free 17-page numerology reading within minutes, and I have to say I was fascinated.

Numerology, like Astrology, is considered an esoteric, rather than scientific system.

I use numerology as a tool. As a filter. As a lens for considering my life.

My friend Mike offers a zero cost numerology chart you can get when you go here:

Get Your Complimentary Numerology Chart Learn What Your Numbers Say About Your Personality And Your Future

Based on your date of birth along with your name as given at birth your numerology chart tells you which number is:

Your “Life Path.”
Your “Expression.”
Your “Soul Urge.”

Your very unique combination of numbers can inform you about possibilities in your life.  I love the phrase, “Soul Urge.”

To learn what these numbers mean in numerology, and what they say about your personality and your future, go to:

Sample Numerology Reading for You, born on your birth date.


I guarantee the free report you’ll receive will give you food for thought about your life in 2015.

Let me know if you like this kind of thing.

Happy New Year!

You can trust Mike. He will not spam you or sell your email. I know him personally. He is from New Zealand and his wife is one of my favorite people at parties. She’s scandalously funny and adorable and they are a really good couple. He’s built a very nice life for himself through his numerology practice. And you can get a complimentary reading because of my connection to them. Enjoy!

Get a complete 17-page numerology reading, revealing more about yourself than you ever dreamed possible … absolutely free.

If you have any part of your life that isn’t going the way you want… if you have any concerns, fears or hopes about your finances, career, love life, relationships, or health…

If you have any curiosity at all about where you will be in 3, 4, and 5 years from now… about how to eliminate the bad, increase the good and take control of and master your destiny … your answers are all here waiting for you!

It’s completely free, and what you learn may change your life forever!

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The rest of what Woz says about 2015, in case you can’t see the image in this email is:

13 and 31 are reversed digit prime numbers.
In binary 2015 is 1111101111, a palindrome.
2015 is also 3737 in base 8 (octal) and 37 is the most special number in my opinion. For one thing, it’s the best age. For another, it’s the first irregular prime number!”

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