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How To Fix Hair Loss

Do you wish your hair were thicker or longer?

I am one of those who are, “follicularly challenged…” My hair is fine and thin and the women on my mother’s side — they say male-pattern baldness (women get receding hairlines too) is hereditary.

So I take supplements and Tim and I have taken to wearing a laser hat to keep the hair that we have.

Apparently if you can keep your hair as it thins… if you can PREVENT hair loss… if you get on top of it before you are bald… it’s a helluva lot better because the only way to replace lost hair is with surgical hair restoration.

Like anything, the more you know the easier it is to take care of hair loss:


Sweetie, your hair has almost nothing to do with your attractiveness to the opposite sex.

However, having great looking hair as a man or a woman goes beyond just being more attractive…

Thinning or balding can affect your confidence.

Now here’s the thing.

I can tell you all about how having great-looking hair doesn’t matter as much as a lot of people fear.

I can talk about the many studies that show people don’t really count someone’s hair to be a deal-breaker when it comes to attraction.

However, if YOU feel that your hair is hindering your self-image in any way, then you’re more than free to do something about it.

In fact, I’m all for it!

The video is from Eric Kelley, a natural hair specialist who has studied hair health for over 10 years.

He talks about how he discovered that nearly everyone experiences some form of hair loss at some point in their lives.

And that most people are actually guilty of doing things that trigger accelerated hair loss.

Uh oh!

In the video, he explains that there are 4 hair loss triggers based on what we eat, stress, and our natural hormones.

Most importantly, he talks about how to stop these hair loss triggers and reverse the effects…

If you’re ever been wondering how you can have beautiful, thick, rich hair, you might want to check out his video.

The truth is, you can be bald or have thinning hair and still be stunning. You don’t really need hair to find a lover, or keep the one you already have. But having great-looking hair can affect your self-image. And if it bothers you so much, you can make some minor adjustments to your health and lifestyle to reverse the effects these hair loss triggers have on your looks.

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⇐ Secrets To Eliminate The Blockage That Stops Your Hair From Getting Nutrition

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