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What Hot Flashes Really Mean


“I’m drenched in sweat.”

If you’re one of the 3 out of 4 women who experience hot flashes, you may be wondering why not ALL women have it.

Is it luck, genes, or both?

Hot flashes and night sweats happen because our estrogen and progesterone levels drop.


Prior to menopause, estrogen and progesterone are mostly produced by your ovaries as a normal part of your monthly cycle.

However, as your monthly cycle winds down approaching menopause, your ovaries stop producing the same volume of hormones.

This sudden drop is what contributes to these hot flashes.

But you may ask since menopause happens to ALL women, why are some lucky enough not to have them?

I read an article about scientists who’ve found a clue.

It has to do with your adrenal glands.

Even before menopause, your adrenals help your body produce small amounts of estrogen and progesterone.

But, after age 35, most women’s adrenals slow down.

One major reason is stress, which unforgivingly pounds our adrenal glands daily.

Juggling home, work, finances and everything else life throws at you can take a toll.

Even too much exercise or going on a diet can stress out your adrenals.

So, one key to turning down hot flashes and getting your life back to normal is to get your adrenals to work properly.

Plus, when you do, other problems start to fade away:

Your mood gets better. You’re less irritable. Your energy levels go up. And your ability to burn fat improves.

So how do you get your adrenals to help you with your hot flashes?

  1. Lower Stress

When you’re under a lot of pressure, your adrenals produce the stress-hormone cortisol which can make hot flashes even more intense. Schedule some “you” time like it’s any other appointment and create a plan to relax more.

  1. Feed Your Adrenals

Your adrenals are responsible for producing close to a dozen hormones your body depends on. That requires a lot of nutrients to get the job done right, like the B vitamins, vitamin C and magnesium. Leafy green veggies are rich in these.

  1. Exercise

Exercise sends vital nutrients and oxygen to nourish your adrenals by improving blood flow. However, there’s a crucial exercise mistake most women make:

They exercise too long, too hard, and too often. That stresses the adrenals even more… it can make hot flashes worse and force you eat everything in sight.

To conquer hot flashes for good, you need something unique to you. Your body may need a slightly different approach.

That’s because you have a “hormone type” that’s unique to you.

Once you know your hormone type, easing hot flashes, increasing energy, losing weight and revitalizing your health gets much easier.

Fortunately, my friend, Dr. Jade Teta has just released a clinically-designed tool that helps you discover your hormone type with just a few simple questions.

You’ll get tips for adrenal-nourishing foods and stress-reducing activities, customized for your hormone type.

Plus, you’ll discover a simple 15-minute adrenal-friendly workout. It can really get the fat calories burning, but without stressing out your metabolism.

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 ⇐ Beat Hot Flashes And Hormone Issues For Good

There’s also a 4th tip you’ll get after the quiz. It can burn 200% more calories than exercise. And it’s probably the single most important thing you can do to get your female metabolism running at top speed.

Don’t wait until you’re totally exhausted. Get ahead of the curve and coddle your adrenals.

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