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Week 6

Orgasmic Mastery — A Course for Men

Week 6: Full Body Orgasms

My Journey

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I didn’t always experience Full Body Orgasms – I’ve learned to have these experiences. Now that my body knows how to do it, most of my orgasms happen throughout my body. Watch this video to hear a bit about my own journey with discovering FBOs.

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Putting It All Together

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This week we’re going to focus on having a full body orgasm. You’ll need to bring together Breath, Sound, Presence, Engaging the Full Body, and Lots of Buildup!

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Breath and Sound (a Review)

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Here’s a brief review on utilizing your breath and sound to enhance your sexual experience.

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Going Deeper Into Presence

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Sex at its finest takes place in this moment. Now. When you’re up in your head with worries, fears, plans, or even fantasy, you aren’t fully in the experience. Experiencing greater and greater levels of presence amplifies your sexual experience and increases your likelihood of experiencing Full Body Orgasms.

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Engaging Your Full Body

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If you want to have Full Body Orgasms, than you need to be engaging your FULL Body! It’s easy to just go straight for the cock, but that’s going to keep your pleasure and your orgasms in your cock, as well. Engage everything and you’ll be more likely to feel your orgasms in everything, too.

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Lots of Buildup

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Consistently, I find that if I really want a powerful Full Body Orgasm, than I need to have an extended sexual experience with lots of erotic buildup.

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Bringing in Your Partner

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Everything that you’ve been exploring above, can be brought into your sex-play with a partner.

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Week 6 Homework:

Pelvic Massage

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The sheer amount of time that most people spend sitting these days has its impact on our sexual health. You can start to open back up those pelvic constrictions through intentional massage. Work it into your ESEs.

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The Asian Squat

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These squats are another great tool for opening up pelvic constrictions, allowing your sexual energy to move more freely through your full body.

For a bit of ‘instructional’ humor, check out this YouTube video, “How to do the Asian Squat”:

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More PC muscle exercises

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We’re going to continue to take the amount we do up a bit more. Also, start playing with squeezing your PC muscles while doing your ESEs, and in partner sex-play.

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This Week’s Erotic Self Explorations

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Obviously, this week’s ESE is specifically focused on experiencing a Full Body Orgasm. Take the elements that we’ve been exploring and weave them all together, breath, sound, presence, waking up the full body, and lots and lots of buildup. Take a minimum of 30 minutes, building up your arousal, coming to an 8 or 9, backing off, coming back up, backing off, coming back up, backing off. When you are ready to go for it and have an ejaculatory orgasm, do so with Sound! How did it feel? Post to the boards and let us know!

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