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Free Report: Touch for Rapture by Dr. Patti Taylor

Learn how to put all of your attention onto bringing yourself pleasure as you touch your lover and why it will feel exquisite to BOTH of you.

Click Here to Download the Free Report, “Touch For Rapture”

EHOT Report 2 Touch for Rapture


Get this free eBook to learn more how to give your woman maximum pleasure.

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11 Responses

  1. This really is an eye opener! When I look back on my past relationships I had no idea,that these techniques/ concepts even existed let alone, how important they are for having a passionate, harmonious and loving relationship. Like a lot of things in life it really is pretty simple once you learn how, but until then I might as well have been trying to understand a recipe written in Chinese !

  2. Thx for the time and effort invested in this. Things are crazy for me financially right now so these freebies really hit the spot.

  3. I didn’t think of all the Fun I could have bringing my Partner to the Throngs of Multiple O’s! She is so thankful I bring her to Tears! Tears of Joy!! Gasping Throngs of Desire, wanting Me, wanting more and more!!! She doesn’t know When/ or How to Stop!!!!

    Aggghhh! It’s such a Burden, being Responsible for Bringing Her to her First Climaxes in Her 25 years of Life!! Ohhh the Burden!!!

  4. I am over 64 now and wish such a teaching should have been in my life earlier so that our sex life would have been different than merely a routine and dull.

  5. I am 77 and have never had good sex….didn’t even know it was possible…didn’t know that I could ask for what I wanted…thought it was all his deal and now after reading some of your material I realize that there is adventure ahead for me and I am trying to save some of this information for when he comes back into my life and we begin again…It is going to be so different this time.

  6. My partner had four orgasms this morning after going to sleep with a smile on her face because I had “worn her out”. I do not think that I need advice on pleasing. What do you think?

    1. Thomas, you are one lucky man then if you have got where you are already, but you won’t have learnt everything. I suggest you read the report, learn new things or expand on what you do, and stay even further ahead of the pack.

  7. Wish I was out in Cali. I would give you a big kiss Dr. Taylor. The info in this report is taking my sex life to a whole new level. No worries I’m not using the info from PLM for evil. Wish I would have found you guys n my 20,s lol.

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