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How To Increase Your Intelligence

Look in the mirror and say this to yourself each morning.

Say this to yourself in the mirror each morning: “Don’t take crap from anyone.”

You know you’ve taken charge of your life when you have a vision for where you’re going.

If you don’t yet have your mission or purpose gelled, one of these six factors may be holding you back. (scroll down)

AVOID These 6 Factors to Take Charge Of Your Life

Ask yourself…

1. I have negative self-talk
2. I don’t react with mindfulness, I let my emotions react first
3. I have a negative self-perception
4. I am unclear about what my values are
5. My life feels meaningless
6. I don’t maintain a practice or do serious work in a meaningful way

If you stumbled with one or more of these factors, it could be psychological, it could be that you just need a structured pathway to make yourself the hero in your own life story, or it could be that you’re simply not focusing your mind and intention on connecting with your purpose.

One of the things that has happened for me is that I push myself so hard that I run my adrenal system down.

Stress can take its toll on your actual brain processing power.

It’s hard to think with your “meta mind” if your brain is not optimally working. Stress, bad food, late hours, heavy metals and environmental toxins can actually degrade the speed of your brain power.

I take brain vitamins and it has really helped me THINK.

I supplemented my body with nootropics that increased my brainpower and was able to get my life force blasting again.

Now I know “brainpower” seems a bit vague.  So to let you in on what you can expect from following what’s shown in the video, have a look:

  • Increased attention span and focus
  • Crystal clear thinking
  • Lightning fast decision-making
  • The ability to retain and absorb new, complex information like a sponge
  • Boosted memory
  • Amplified brain synergy to help your mind work like a fine-tuned machine
  • Enhanced verbal fluency to speak eloquently with ease and relay your thoughts like a master
  • Improved overall general mood
  • Sky-high ambition like you’ve NEVER experienced before

That’s quite an impressive list.  But do you know what’s even more impressive?

That it can be achieved with nothing more than a simple 7 second trick…

When you are disconnected from your purpose you withdraw from the world…

Don’t withhold your gifts.

Feel your power.

Don’t numb out on life.

Get your creative juices flowing.

Give your brain the supplements it needs to kick ass.

Cut Through Your Brain Fog ==>

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It worked for me. I can work for you.

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