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Thick Hair Is Sexy, Damnit

I’ve struggled for decades with hair loss. I have a NEW hair restoration solution that uses PEPTIDES!

First, a gluten allergy that wrecked my gut and thinned my hair caused my loss. I went off wheat and after a decade, my hair started getting thicker again. 

I wore a red light hair cap every other day for over a year. I went traveling to Japan and left it at home. Six weeks later all the recent growth I’d worked so hard for fell out. So depressing. That’s why I no longer recommend red light caps for hair restoration.

You rely on me to give you the latest and greatest and hair restoration is developing rapidly.
Then I got 3 rounds of PRP injected into my scalp over the course of a year. It made my hair as thick as when I was 30. 

Then I got long-haul COVID and lost 50% of my hair. My god I am determined. If I did it once, I can do it again.

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I did another 3 PRP treatments. Then I got covid again and lost most of the fresh growth.

I was so discouraged. Plus, I had a ton of soft tissue damage—my skin, my tendons, my ligaments and god knows what else were damaged from the virus.

I upped the ante to exosomes and stem cell injections to heal more than just my hair. Stem cells are bigger guns than PRP and less inflammatory. And my hair is growing even thicker than it’s been since I can remember. I now have 4” of new, albeit very thin hair all over my head.

Now I’ve added a topical hair regrowth formula called Folitin to speed up the growth, and protect it from shedding. Folitin is a combination of peptides, which are small amino acid building blocks for the anagen or growth phase, along with antioxidants and biotin conjugates to keep the hair you have on your head.

Many people just use Folitin to regrow hair loss. You don’t need to get PRP, exosomes or stem cells. Try Folitin FIRST, as it can prepare your scalp for these other treatments if you need them.

Studies show that copper tripeptides and growth factors can stimulate prolonged anagen phases and increase hair density. The anti-inflammatory agents and antioxidants in Folitin play a critical role in protecting hair follicles during the catagen and telogen phases for strand density, thickness and strength. All of this “fills in” thin spots in varying ways.

Monoxidil has negative effects on libido. And you have to keep using it like red light caps. Folitin takes up front effort to apply over six months, but then you can go into maintenance mode.
Between the Primadine reversing my gray hair and the Folitin thickening and strengthening my thinness and bald spots, I’m finally getting my confidence back and wearing my hairpiece less and less frequently.

I’ve arranged a special discounted package just for my fans with Entera. They’ve been really nice to work with. My buddy Jay Campbell turned me onto Folitin. He’s a big peptide guy.

If you have hair thinning and hair loss, bald patches, and/or a receding hairline… If you’ve suffered an illness that made you lose your hair… Or if you want to get off the Minoxidil kompromat, look into Folitin.

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Folitin ⇐ Peptide and Antioxidant Formulation For Hair Regrowth (Promo Code SUSAN Saves 10%)

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