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"Sex Feels Good, But Squirting Is Amazing!"

Learning To Squirt Saved Charlotte’s Marriage

A few months ago, my heart was warmed by a woman named Charlotte who wrote to me about a powerful and transformative experience she had as a result of learning how to ejaculate.

Charlotte was married with three children.  She was very busy and focused on taking care of everyone except herself (husband included).  Her sex life was pretty much non-existent because her children slept in the bed with her and her husband and private time was extremely scarce.  Additionally she had very little energy for sex after all was said and done at the end of the day.

She was feeling unattractive after having three kids. She had gained some weight and was feeling insecure about her body and how different it was since she got married.  She had been with her husband for close to 20 years and the spark had all but faded.  She resigned to this life and considered this all normal and part of the package of being married with kids.

Before I share with you some of Charlotte’s email correspondence with me, I would love to sum up her experience and how ejaculating for the first time rippled out exponentially and powerfully transformed her on many levels.

1) When she allowed the floodgates to open for the first time, she let go of  a lot of built-up emotional energy as she laughed and cried and experienced intense pleasure and bliss.

2) Her almost non-existent sex-life with her husband transformed into a juicy, exciting, and red-hot experience as they were both re-inspired by the discovery of the pleasure of liquid orgasms after almost 20 years.  Her husband couldn’t get enough! He was totally turned on and she certainly was too. The sparks were flying in ways they never had before!

3) Her body image issues about her weight transformed as she felt more empowered by learning how to ejaculate.  She got out of her mind and more into her body and felt sexier than she ever had before, especially knowing her husband was so turned on by her. She started to appreciate her body, in all it’s imperfection, because she realized what a gift it was to have this exquisite pleasure.

4) Because she felt so juicy and alive by this new experience, it rippled out into the way she walked down the street and carried herself on a daily basis.  She had a bounce in her step and a smile on her face.  She felt alive with her erotic energy and juiciness.

5) This experience significantly improved her marriage by enhancing the intimacy she shared with her husband.  She had started to become disconnected because they were not making love and when they were, it felt routine.  This gave them something that re-kindled their love for one another, their connection, intimacy, and their sex life!

The following is part of an excerpt from our email exchange:

From Charlotte – I first heard about you from your appearance on Dr. Patti’s Expanded Lovemaking show. I loved the way you talked about your experience and how it got you started on this path. I have recently discovered the pleasures of G-spot play. I cried the first time and today I laughed because the flow was so uncontrollable and amazing.

Since I have experienced squirting, sex has become a sort of hobby to me. Reading about it, talking about it, experimenting with it. It is something I am truly passionate about. Every woman should know this secret whether or not they want to incorporate it into their sex life.

I think as a mother, some women forget that sex is meant to be pleasurable for whomever is involved and that you must pursue that pleasure. I have heard mothers, because that is mainly who I am friends with, say again and again. “Who has time for sex? I don’t even want to anymore.” I love walking around bursting with sexual energy. I don’t even know what to do with it all. I want to help women remember that they are sexual beings and not just mothers or wives. I would love to show others the work that you have done. Thanks so much……..

My husband thought our sex life was over after having three kids. Now I can honestly say, it gets hotter and hotter every day. G-spot play and squirting has improved every area of my life. It has upped the level of intimacy in our marriage both in and out of the bedroom Because I learned how to take my pleasure into my own hands, I walk around bursting with happiness and energy. I don’t even know what to do with it all.

We are not just wives, mothers or employees…we are sexual beings and we deserve pleasure. I have never felt more beautiful or in touch with my body since beginning this journey. Every woman should know this secret! Sex feels good, but squirting is amazing! Take yourself to this place. I promise you won’t regret it! Thanks Tallulah for encouraging us to be juicy! ~ Charlotte

So yes, you and your partner’s life can be completely catapulted into a whole new world…

Photo Credit:

LadyDragonflyCC -Anniversary, 7-15 (10yrs)'s buddy icon


With love,
Tallulah Sulis

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