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The Hottest Sex She Has

For the women I teach, the hottest sex they have is when they squirt.

Could be they’re really turned on by external stimulation, like the particular situation, or it could be that this kind of orgasm is the most satisfying.

Here in the Bay Area, so many of my female friends are dying to find a guy who can give them ejaculatory orgasms. They might be able to do it themselves, but they long for the kind of total surrender that comes from having your guy just take over and stroke you so well you have squirting orgasm after squirting orgasm.

One of my girlfriends tells me her husband will lay her down on the bed and rub her pussy for as long as she wants. He literally will not stop giving her orgasms until she says it’s time to do something else.

And he loves it. He loves to connect in to her energy and take her higher and higher, having her come time after time in ejaculatory bliss.

Then, when she’s done, if she wants to have sex or give him a blow job or just watch TV or roll over and sleep, he asks nothing of her.

He’s happy just get to get give her orgasms and touch her Yoni. It gives him a sense of personal prowess he wouldn’t trade for anything.

Most of the time, she says she asks him to make love to her. And then she comes some more, squirting all over his cock. But she doesn’t HAVE to do anything. He’s willing just to give her orgasms. By focusing totally on her pleasure, she’s much more apt to ask him to touch her. And then, one thing typically leads to another. But the beauty is, it doesn’t have to. Taking the pressure off her to perform actually yields more sex for him. She’s waaay more turned on in general.

This is a great system and one, if you haven’t instituted it, you should consider.
Think you can try it?

What I’ve found is that women who learn to ejaculate, never return to the clitoral-only orgasms again when they are ready to get down.

Are you ready to go to the point of no return with your gal???

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Pat Hawks

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