Thank you so much for joining me. If you crave more juiciness in your sex life, deeper intimacy,
a strong partnership and maximum pleasure for her and you, you are taking the very first step
by educating yourself and learning the techniques and insights into what makes her let loose
and declare you as her ultimate sex god.
5 Responses
My wife wants me to wear a chastity cage so she can control when and if I orgasm. I love her to death and I am inclined to accept her terms. Any suggestions?
I receive numerous emails from various sexual technique experts.
One is Adam Armstrong. Does PLM endorse his techniques. Does PLM
affiliate with many of these so called experts. I wonder because so many follow your teaching on leading a woman and male dominance in the bedroom.
Hi Big Fan,
Yes. We do endorse Adam’s products. He does a great job explaining how to be more dominant in the bedroom and his sexy talk is spot on.
Ultimate Orgasms
Dirty Talk
Is it possible to burn a CD and how ? I’m using « WINDOWS MEDIA »
Pierre Guertin
Hi Pierre,
Yes. You can download the mp3 files to your computer and put them in any software you use to burn audio onto CD’s. You can also listen from your iPod or Smartphone.