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How to PLAY Women… SRSLY???

A friend of mine got a direct mail and scanned it in to share a laugh…

“Gary shows you how to run women like your own slave camp?”

Isn’t that lovely?

This is a case of a misogynist targeting the misogynist niche. (Note: Misogyny is hatred (or contempt) of women.)

It goes on for four pages. Download the whole gruesome thing here.

I am ALL FOR picking up women. I love it when guys flirt with me. I actually have hot texting (sexting) relationships with a number of cute guys (yes, hubby knows and love the attention I get, because he knows he’s my #1 guy forever).

And I like the PUA – Pick Up Artist – community. Those seduction experts in general (sure there are a few smarms to steer clear of) do a huge service for guys who are shy, whose parents didn’t serve as loving role models, who are geeky or lack social charms, or who are just new to the world of women and want a solid foundation of skills they can use to approach women confidently.

As a matter of fact, the PUA community are my heros. Guys like Carlos Xuma, Brad Jackson, Adam Gilad, Dave Mizrahi, Christian Hudson, Scot McKay, Adam Gilad, John Alanis, Bill Belcamino, Michael Fiore, Garrison Cohen and Bryan Bayer… there are a ton of amazing men teaching vital skills to give men the confidence to approach and interact with women.

But it’s crap like this direct mail piece from Gary Brodsky that gives the pick up community a bad name. Gary’s programs include Mind Control, How to Use the Powers of Darkness, How to Use Black Magic to Get Women, How to Dominate Women, Black-Op and Psy-Ops Tactics to Get Women…

This dude is a pig.

Please, make sure when you want to seduce a woman, that you use appropriate seduction techniques.

I’ve told you in other posts about Dr. Patti Taylor’s Seduction Trilogy. Take it from two women, Patti and me, that her strategies are exactly what I want, and what nearly all women want.

We want you to notice us, to put your attention on us and to woo us slowly.

Patti’s “Small Offers,” “String of Yeses,” and “Erotic Vigilance” processes are EASY to learn and WORK!

If you haven’t flirted with a woman today. Or tried to make your wife or girlfriend feel your desire. Or simply had fun with a girlfriend in some way, do it!

We are dying for your affection and attention. Give it to us, baby! Oh yeah, give it all to us!

2 Responses

  1. JP,
    Flirting is the BEST. I love to flirt and I simply adore it when a guy flirts with me. I wish I was flirted with every single day!
    I just discovered a CD by Carlos Xuma, my favorite Alpha Male. It’s free. Carlos offers it as an onramp to his products so you can get to know him.
    It’s called “How to Flirt and Attract Women.” I’m going to review it soon!
    Here’s the link:

  2. I think there is even another advantage when men flirt with women. Not only do women adore men who master the art of flirting. But I think flirting also is important when it comes to the survival of the human race in general. As I found out the other day from a female Canadian dating coach: It is not survival of the fittest what counts but survival of the flirtiest. Wouldn`t you agree?

    All the best from JP

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