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Foundations of Inner Game – Why Talking To Hotties Leaves You Speechless

SM Marketing Guru: G. Garrison Cohen

My friend Garrison runs the Authentic Man business in SF. They specialize in male confidence, or “inner game.”

His email was so insightful about how men shut down around beautiful women, I asked him if I could share it here.

(Note: There’s a link below the story to a $1 trial membership for Foundations of Inner Game: Revealed. I highly recommend AMP’s work.)

Hi Sloane,
I’ve got a funny story for you…

When I was in middle school there was this awkward, train 
wreck of a girl named Margo Frisbee (yes, that was her real 

She was taller than the other girls, her arms seemed too long, 
she wore this crazy looking headgear for her braces, and she 
had tons of hair that was always tied up so it made her look 
even taller.

She was three years ahead of me, and while I never spoke to 
her, I silently regarded her as some kind of tragic phenomenon.

But by the time I entered high school and she was getting 
ready to graduate, things had changed. Margo Frisbee was 
now stunningly beautiful! Everything about her screamed 

She looked like a cross between a supermodel and an action 
hero and she totally ignored all the popular kids who were now 
finally looking her way.

I was mesmerized by her.

In typing class I sat next to her friend Ken, and I confided in 
him that Margo was my dream woman. One day he turns to 
me and casually says, “I told her what you said. She was 
curious about who you were.”

“I can’t believe you told her!” I yelled.

“Relax,” he said. “Just say ‘hi’ to her.”

And then one day it happened. It was the classic scene. Quiet, 
empty school corridor, I’m walking one way, she’s walking the 

My heart gives one gigantic “GLUG” and then it felt like it 
stopped entirely for a full instant.

She knows who I am and 
what I said, but we’ve never spoken a word.

My face turns red. My heart is beating so fast I’ve got tunnel 
vision. I think I might be going blind. There goes the hearing. 
Time slows down. I can’t think of anything to say!

She’s almost next to me, passing by. I’m not looking at her 
but I can feel her eyes on me! I can barely even remember 
my own name. I’ve got to do something… but what? As she 
passes by I stand there totally clueless with nothing to say.

When I really think about, it seems like it should have been 
the most natural thing in the world to interact with this beautiful 
creature, and yet for the majority of men, like me back then, 
it seems impossible.

If you think about it, it’s kind of strange that when we’re 
genuinely attracted to and interested in a woman, we’re 
terrified to approach her! What’s going on here?

Well, the women that we are drawn to are generating a lot of 
”feminine radiance.” 

For a lot of men this is both the source of our attraction AND 
our “contraction.”

You “contract,” or close down, in the face of her radiance 
because of how little capacity you have to handle all the 

In other words, you’re getting “blown out.” She’s really 
beautiful and you’re getting short-circuited before you 
even talk to her. You could be a rocket scientist but in 
this moment you just can’t seem to put two words together.

Afterward, you’ll think of all the playful things you would have 
liked to say, or the perfect joke you could’ve made….

Yet, it’s 
as if you’re not functioning, literally short-circuiting, in those 

The good news is that this doesn’t have to be the case. In fact, 
you can increase your capacity to be grounded and centered 
around radiant, gorgeous women. 

One thing we’ve noticed is that a lot of men who have an easier 
time approaching women have practiced a lot of martial arts or 

They have actively cultivated the capacity to be with a lot 
of sensation and intensity without losing their center.

Whether you go out and start working on your black belt or 
not, we’ve found that for most guys, simply becoming aware 
of how they get overwhelmed by their feelings can make a 
huge difference.

With or without intense training, you can handle a lot more 
energy than you think, at least once you know how to try.

Really get this: The source of you shutting down with 
extraordinarily beautiful women, in those pivotal moments, 
is you avoiding what you’re feeling!

It’s true. As Margo approached me the sensations I was feeling 
in my little high school body were so intense that all I knew 
how to do was resist them.

If I had known that I could actually open to those feelings and 
enjoy them, instead of try to fight them, I would have been 
able to stay calm, centered, present and connected to my 

Once I started to learn from AMP how to do this, I wanted every 
guy who ever missed his Margo to be able to do this as well.

Oh, so what happened with Margo? The moment passed, my 
vision returned and that was the last time I ever saw her. It 
was a big school, it was close to the end of the year, and she 
graduated and moved on, never coming back. I’ve Googled her 
but only found pictures of dogs jumping for discs.

Don’t let your Margo get away.

Garrison and the AMP Team

P.S. If you’d like to learn how to be able to handle the intensity 
that comes up whenever you’re relating to *your* Margo 
Frisbee, then definitely check out our “Foundations of Inner 
Game: Revealed” Video.
It’s packed with practical tools and live examples of men 
interacting with women that will transform how you mix 
with women… and as part of a special promotion, it’s COMPLIMENTARY 
(you just pay a $1 processing fee). 

Why are we giving this away? Simply because if you get as much value from it as I know you will, you’re going to want more of our work… and I don’t want anything to stop you from catching YOUR Margo!

Click Here to get started

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