Opening Her to New Erotic Adventures
Tallulah Sulis, creator of Female Liquid Orgasms, Keep Her Coming, Squirt Your Heart
Out, Make Any Woman Squirt and the famous Squirtshop workshops.
Want 7 simple secrets to start some serious seduction with your woman? Here’s exactly
what to do.
First, find out what is making her resistant so you can address these issues. Then create
a sexual platform outside the bedroom that imbues romance into her life. Next, focus on
what IS working and create positive feedback loops that increment her slowly toward more
willingness to be sensual. Next, bring on your masculinity so she can relax into you.
Get her educated in some slick, fun ways. Let go of your goals and expectations and
finally, open her up and awaken her to the beauty of her own sensuality.
Tallulah gives you a “Chinese menu” of selections for each of these seven easy
steps. Does she have insecurity around her body? Would some adoration move her? Are you
being the rock? Should you buy her a feathery tickler? Would a Yoni massage get her going?
Set up your perfect strategy from over 50 ideas in this truly jam-packed segment, from
a woman who has worked one-on-one and in groups with women and the men who love them,
achieving new levels of erotic adventure for happy lovers.
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One Response
Hi Sussan. Thanks for the great material and excelent deliverence of it.
In this specific Seduction summit i was told to be open and honest about what i want. But moments later, i was told to let go of the goals.
How can these two guidelines allign?
Like: i would like to have more playfull sex. But isent that a goal? Especially if i tell my wife that’s something that i dream off, that would then potentially put pressure on her?
Any clarification on this is appreciated!
Kind regards, Rasmus