When I encourage you to reawaken your woman’s libido by first focusing your attention on her, creating fun and pleasure again in your everyday relating, slowly touching her body to awaken her physical sensations of pleasure and romancing her the way women love to be romanced as the way to turn her back on, I like to give you this reflection of that advice by one of my happy followers.
Here’s the way Roger is successfully integrating his understanding of reawakening in his marriage:
“In a recent email you gently corrected an enormously, gross error in my thinking.
When I described my wife as a truly sexual woman, you changed up the word to “sensual.”
What a remarkable change of mind-set that did for me!
It gave me insight into what women want in romance.
As I am thinking now, romance is doing the fun and different together to awaken her senses and push her to new outer limits.
If I need your refiner’s touch here, please drive you pen into the mysterious crates of my mind. Your words can be so transforming! Keep putting yourself out for us guys who are learning to get the clues!
I am so amazed with you! You are a master teacher showing us men how to be master lovers!
I am so grateful for the trouble you and your husband faced that forced him to search and find those man-answers that are so revolutionary.
Personally, I think your summit material is titled wrong. Though it shows how to awaken a woman’s drive, it is far more about drawing a man out of his dense forest of ignorance.
You see, I am a man of moral principle. I am not like others that you know in my field necessarily, but I dearly care for what great nuggets you have. I feel so uninformed. You see, I am a preacher – but as one of your interviews revealed, (Erotic Communication with Adam Gilad) I am learning to talk out of the Song of Solomon. What a precious insight for forming talk to brighten my lady.”
With Love,
Susan Bratton