Many women hold limiting beliefs that prevent them from wanting or needing sex and even hold them back from getting the intimacy, affection and touch they deserve.
These beliefs can ruin their partner’s lives, destroy marriages, turn good guys into cheaters…
“I can’t have multiple orgasms.”
“No sex after menopause.”
“No sex after babies.”
“Oral sex is bad.”
“My body is ugly.”
There are thousands of beliefs that can ruin intimacy.
So I wanted to arm you with a process that can have profound personal change, quickly and permanently, that you might use with your partner if they have beliefs that you consider outmoded, incorrect and/or limit them from having all they deserve.
Morty Lefkoe created a psychological process for changing beliefs that may be limiting your happiness or success.
I encourage you to not place blame AND to examine your own beliefs in this process to see where there’s opportunity for you to also update your own thinking.
Listen now as Morty and I give you ways to approach your partner about convictions they hold that are ripe for reconsideration.
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Morty Lefkoe: Yes and no. It’s totally possible. There is a process that enables people to eliminate a belief and you can’t
just say, “I want it to go away,” or have a conversation. But there’s a process which you can get, you can try it yourself
We have the ability for people to eliminate three of the most common beliefs
“I’m not good enough,” “I’m not important,” and mistakes and failure [inaudible]. And if you do that, you can see what
the actual steps are, which are relatively simple. And if you get those steps and are able to apply it, we do teach people
how to do the process, and we have courses that many people just do the process themselves a few times and say, “I know what’s going on.
I can see what the steps are and I can learn how to do it myself.” But I’ll go through and give you some sense of what the
beliefs are.
The first question is how do you know what the beliefs are? To some extent that takes time and training and experience.
But the basic question you’re asking yourself is “What must I believe or what must my partner believe to do or say the
things they do?” If a woman is afraid to be communicative, to express what she feels, to express her desires both emotionally and sexually, you say, “Well what would she have to believe to be unable to do that?”
Well logically some of the things is, “Men will hurt me,” “Men, will leave me,” “Men can’t be trusted,” “Men are dangerous.” I’ve actually heard many women say, “Men are assholes or jerks.”
With love,
Susan Bratton
One Response
I agree with this to a certain extent although i think its proven a bit too simplified. I think the feeling and body are also conditioned to the response… not really sure which leads but my experience has been that the body stores trauma. A belief is a thought… it leads the way but hes taking about a rape as if you can just make change the thought and that’s it. I would disagree with that one in particular… its going to store in your body, emotion and mind. All three have to be addressed. Starting with the belief is a good start but other work might be needed.