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Instant Confidence With Women Starts With YOUR Happiness

Eminent Bratton Chronicles: A Visual Journey

FWD: “Almost every girl would wrap her arms around Kent and BEG to bring him home!”

I asked Adam if he was cool forwarding these three things you can do to have more instant chemistry with women. The three ideas below work on wives, girlfriends and gorgeous strangers alike.

From: Adam Gilad

My buddy Kent and I were fullbacking our way from booth to booth at
the famous Sugar Market in Peking.

It was a chaos of Polo ripoffs, obese, waddling Australian tourists
and, every five feet or so, the cutest damned Chinese shopgirl you
can imagine.

All big, mischievous black eyes, cheekbones delicate as trout ribs,
arms and legs like rounded ribbons.

Attention:  If you are VERY SERIOUS about
finally getting a girlfriend, long-term lover
or wife – Adam is offering 3 Free Consultations
next week, but only for men who Watch this
Training Video first and Apply
This special offer is for people who are
devoted to success with ONE extraordinary woman.

As we stuffed our backpacks with silk bedspreads and gifts for the
girls back home, Kent and I faked heart-attacks when they mentioned
their first price for each item. We fell to the floor, clutched our
hearts, exclaimed vulgar surprise in our rickety Chinese – and
generally yukked it up.

But the most amazing part of this whole ridiculous pantomime was
how almost every girl would wrap her arms around Kent and BEG to
bring him home!

Hey now, I’m supposed to be the guru, not him!

So I started asking the slender, giggling little beauties – what is
it about Kent that you love him so much?”

“He always smiling!”

Every single girl said the same thing.

Now, yes, Beijing is a grim, clogged, smoggy, mercantile ant-farm
of human misery as far as I can tell, so anyone’s smile would break
through like rays of sunshine.

So I get the impact he had on these girls.

But here’s the truth for you – there is a magic combination for

And it’s this:  Happiness + Edge = Instant Intrigue.

If you need edge, then hells bells, I’ve give you over a hundred
techniques to sharpen the instant impact of your presence in
Instant Confidence With Women – and you should get that HERE if you

But today I want to talk about happiness.

Your smile, your jokes, your laughter in the face of challenges,
tests, problems, traffic, illness – these are like breaths of pure
oxygen to women.

David Deida, who I worked with for two years, puts it this way:
your masculine lightness – born of perspective, altitude – the
ability to have an objective consciousness that rests OUTSIDE the
moment… lifts the feminine out of the anxiety of the moment.

Remember, most women live in a foreign anxiety of the now – am I
loved, am I not loved?  How do my coworkers feel about me?  Why is
my sister not calling me?  Social anxiety trapped in the present.

Your happiness, your sense of fun – that carefree nature men have
(think Cary Grant) is a JOY to women.  A release.  A gift.

Your job today:  laugh more, find your happiness!

It’s contagious!  It relaxes women.

1. Just Laugh More: Get Pandora on your iPhone or Android or
computer and select channels according to your favorite comedians.
Right now, I’m loving Patton Oswalt, Daniel Tosh and Joe Rogan
(YouTube his “Flying Squirrel Pussy People” bit.  You won’t regret

2. Find activities that give you both Present Pleasure + Future
In some ways, I can’t find a better description of what
it feels like to make love to a woman you genuinely love and
cherish.  Also true for artistic creation, work that you love,
investing time in family, friends and long-term lovers.

3. Stay aware of what lifts your spirits. It could be a child’s
face, a dog’s joy, a well-written sentence, a piece of wisdom, a
personal accomplishment, the glow after the gym, an actor’s
performance, an unexpected sensation in your body.

Awaken to your happiness and share it with women.  It’s cheaper
than a furry hat and less embarrassing than a slick pick-up line.

And it leaves everyone happier.

Which isn’t a bad thing, in Beijing or Birmingham or Brugges.

Remember:  Personal Edge  + Happiness/Joy = Instant

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Now go out and delight some women.  And enjoy their joy and

To Your Best Life,


p.s. if you are VERY SERIOUS about finally getting an girlfriend,
long-term lover or even, yes, wife – I have space for 3 Free
Consultations next week, but only for those who Watch this Training
Video first and Apply.  This one is for people who are devoted to
success with one woman.   I’ll have some free sessions for dating
lots of women next month.


Follow Susan Bratton

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