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How To Be The Lover That Inspires and Satisfies Your Wife

Sensuality Revealed: Explore Secret-Arousal-Maps

When she growls out the most guttural, magnificent orgasmic scream…


You feel gooood, don’t you, stud?

A man’s approach to sex is linear.

I do not have to tell you a woman’s approach is non-linear… a meandering riddle!

Want to know how to create a satisfying experience for your woman and embrace her “looping” approach, listen to this incredibly valuable behavior describe in this audio.

08 How To Be The Lover That Inspires and Satisfies Your Wife

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Here are links to the previous Insight Into Intimacy Calle and Susan Dialogs.

Pre-Foreplay Techniques That Get You To Foreplay

When She Won’t Kiss You Anymore

The Three Biggest Mistakes Men Make When Trying To Improve Your Lovemaking

How To Flirt With Your Wife

Why She Says, “NO,” To Something That Feels So Good

The Top 2 Things Your Wife Wants You To Change About Yourself

07 What A Husband Can Do To Get His Wife To YES

3 Responses

  1. Ijust finished listening again to C. Zorro, I must be dense I do not understand how to inspires and to do the satisfies the wife. I understand satisfies in having an O. but the other. I’m lost , where is the map.Too bad you couldn’t pull out an old blue movie and say do as this guy does and you’ll have it.

  2. Dearest Susan,
    I just finished listening to you and Calle and if I understand him correctly is that one on the first segement was men are to straight and women are like a roller coaster and secound one is that we do sex at the same time at the same day and start at the same time and finish an turn over and go to sleep after all that at about the same time. If I got those right yea I would agree stale. But, I must admitt I need a system or a road map and here is history making for your eyes and that is A man is really asking directions.Just finished listening to the two things wives want us to change. For once good news those are not mine. I’m a very passionat man and I’m always holding and kissing on my wife.To the point how do I take or as Dr.P.T. says leading her along this path so as to ride with her of those loops instead of me just cutting to the chase. Thanks I’ve been reading and listening and trying to find my nich in all of this program. Just by chance do you have some teasers of some ofyour programs that teach the esclating ,engorging and stroking? I know that your doing these as a buss. but just was asking ok.

    1. Hi Rosen,
      If you want some fresh ideas for how to structure a really hot lovemaking date with your wife, listen to Sloane’s “Catch a Cougar” audio (free). It’s in the second audio – she tells you exactly how to escalate during a sex date. I am sure this will give you some new things to lead your wife through that she will love.
      As far as free advice on Engorging and Stroking, grab my “Female Genitalia: Anatomy and Engorgement” ebook, ’cause I’m going to take it down and turn it into a paid product shortly.
      Thanks for understanding that this is my business, how I feed by family… and for asking for what you need. Glad to have you as a member and appreciate your comment.

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