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Will you stop 3 feet SHORT of the gold?

Emotional Intimacy: Shared Kiss Between Couple

Consider this story…

In the 1930’s, a man named Napoleon Hill wrote a book titled, “Think And Grow Rich”.

In this book, he recounts an interesting story about an uncle of his personal friend R.U. Darby.

Mr. Darby’s uncle left the East Coast and headed west to “strike it rich” by finding GOLD.

Well, it turns out that Mr. Darby’s uncle actually did find one of the richest veins of gold ever discovered in modern times.

Unfortunately, Mr. Darby’s uncle was NOT the one who got to enjoy the riches of his discovery.

Here is what happened…


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“UNBLOCKABLE: Ways To Warm-Up, Turn-On, and Seduce Your Wife.”


After discovering the gold vein, Mr. Darby’s uncle carefully hid his discovery …

He headed back east, and borrowed all the money he could get from every person he knew of in order to buy the land where he had found the
gold and the equipment and machinery necessary to mine the gold ore out of the earth.

Mr. Darby’s uncle then returned to the vein of gold he had discovered …

began his mining operations …

and had hardly begun when the vein of gold abruptly ended.

Mr. Darby’s uncle drilled on hoping the vein of gold would resume … but it was no use.

There was no more gold.

Finally, Mr. Darby’s uncle gave up, sold the land for next to nothing, sold all the expensive equipment he had just purchased for penny’s on the dollar to a junk dealer, and headed back to the East Coast in defeat …

Spending the rest of his life working to pay back the money he had borrowed from family and friends.

Well, a few years later, a man who understood geology discovered the mining equipment rusting in the junk dealers yard …

started asking questions …

reconstructed the story …

worked his way back to the mine …

did some calculations …

and realized that the gold vein would most likely be 3 feet below where it stopped due to a tectonic shift.

Sure enough, 3 feet down, the vein of gold resumed and as I said before, that vein proved to be one of the richest gold veins of modern times.

So, as it applies to you personally …

I seriously doubt that today is the first time you have thought about improving and spicing things up between you and your woman.

Probably, you have been trying a number of things … for quite a while … to improve your relationship with the woman you love.

Probably, you bought a few books … and got a few ideas from them … but nothing that really made an appreciable difference.

Maybe you had to bust open your private vault in order to pay for counseling … and did not get what you wanted from that either.

Maybe, you have even sprung for a program (or two or three)…

And you STILL DO NOT have the kind of relationship with your lady that you really want.

And so, you really have a hard time believing that Calle’s wisdom can make a difference for you when all the other one’s did not, right?

Well, I completely understand.

There have been times when I too felt highly “skeptical” (and discouraged) after having made some big investment into something that I had put a lot of hope into …

and it “seemingly” didn’t pay off for me.

But, what I ultimately discovered was that in the end, my “investments” always DID pay off for me … for two reasons:

1) It ended up leading me to the next thing that DID pay off for me. In other words, if my investment did not directly pay off for me, then it indirectly led me to the investment that DID pay off for me. Stated differently still, some investments were stepping stones to the investments that did work.

2) The previous investment (or investments)PREPARED me so that I could really get the full benefit from the investment that worked that I otherwise would not have been able to get.

This is true for you right now. Everything you have tried and invested in before LED you and PREPARED you for THIS program with Calle.

After having made all these investments, WILL YOU STOP JUST THREE FEET SHORT OF THE GOLD?

Will you go through your entire life without enjoying the best kind of relationship with your wife that you really want to enjoy?

Don’t do that!

Instead, go read to the powerful message that Calle has written for you here:

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With love,
Susan Bratton

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