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Squirting Tip #2 Milk

Drenched Elegance: Sexy Lady

It’s FLO Week! And here’s my best advice for you about helping your woman experience the delicious cleansing release of ejaculatory orgasms.

“FLO Week” is our week-long celebration of Female Liquid Orgasm… the online home study course for giving women multiple ejaculatory orgasms.

Regularly $197 or $97 + $17 a month you can get all the audios, videos and ebooks inside our Female Liquid Orgasm program for 50% off this week!

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To help a woman achieve a squirting release, milk the ejaculate from her.

What I mean by that is, don’t have your lady push out too hard and do all the work

Provide her with the steady strokes that will be sufficient for her ejaculate to come out on it’s own. It will.

Tallulah has a saying about squirting orgasmsm. She calls it, “birthing your orgasm.”

When we first teach a woman to squirt, we tell her to forget about squeezing down to focus the sensation on her clitoris and instead to push out, like she’s birthing a baby.

That’s all well and good to get started, but my tip is that after awhile, she can remain more neutral and you can coax, or milk, her ejaculate out with Tallulah’s trademark stroke patterns.

These are a gentle series of strokes – including a fantastic “blended orgasm” stroke – that will have her soaking the sheets in no time.

When you learn these strokes you’ll have a level of confidence that will relax your lady and let her surrender to these sublime new sensations.

If you’re currently a clitoris-centric lover – and not taking advantage of her entire G-AREA – means you are leaving a tremendous amount of pleasure on the table.

Women are hungry for this pleasure.

Feed her desire.

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Female Liquid Orgasm is made for couples to watch together, for women to give themselves their own G-Spot and squirting orgasms and for singles to be prepared for when you’re with a woman who squirts or wants to. It’s EVERYTHING you need to fully leverage the divine sensations of the G-Spot and the natural release of feminine fluid.

If you haven’t yet downloaded and read Tallulah’s complimentary report called, The Truth and Myths About Female Ejaculation, grab it now.

The Truth And Myths About Female Ejaculation <=== Grab Your Gift

Because tomorrow, Sloane has an explicitly detailed squirting video for you that shows some of Tallulah’s trademark stroke patterns IN ACTION with Robert and Ripple.

Ripple literally soaks the cameraman’s pants!

Watch for tomorrow’s email from Sloane.

You will not want to miss this.


1 – Tip #1 Use Gravity.

2 – Tip #2 Milk Her G-AREA.

3 – Get the special report.

4 – Buy Female LIquid Orgasm at 50% off.

5 – Look for Sloane’s email tomorrow.

We’re getting you up to speed for a whole new level of intimacy.

What you see depicted in porn with porn stars is made-for-porn fantasy. What you learn inside Tallulah’s Female Liquid Orgasm program is much more profound and much better stroking techniques than you will ever see replicated in pornography.

Don’t treat a woman like a porn star. Get FLO and show you know what the heck you’re doing around a woman’s G-Spot.

GET FLO ON SALE <= Save 50% This Week


*Missed the other tips?

Squirt Tip #1: Kneel

Squirting Tip #2 Straddle

Squirting Tip #4 Flooding

2 Responses

  1. I met a young woman recently, she is beautiful in her own way, she is much younger than I am, i’m so hooked on pleasing her, I think if she wasnt married to someone else who cheats on her, wed never get out of bed.

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