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How To Make Lovemaking Last For Hours

Bedroom Bliss: Make Your Woman Radiant

Peaking: Intentional Erotic Energy Management

(Ladies, you will be HIGHLY INTERESTED in this too.)

You can make love to her for hours as she’s coming the whole time if you know the trick not to numb out her clitoris or make it too sensitive.

When you know how to engorge her through the Expanded Orgasm technique, she can keep coming better and better.

This is amazing, off-the-hook lovemaking.

And if you are wiling to learn some new fingering techniques, you too can give your woman a climbing coaster of pleasure like she’s never experienced before.

Once you start giving her Expanded Orgasms you have to be VERY CAREFUL not to drive her too hard. You are going to have to contain your excitement when you see how you are able to keep her coming and coming and you are going to want to see how long you can DO her.

Be careful, John!

She’s going to need not only some “peaking,” she’s going to need some breaks, so that she can actually climb higher into her orgasmic potential.

Backing off actually makes her go UP into better and better orgasms IF you know when to give her PEAKS which make her reach for more sensation.

You can have my “Orgasmic Peaking” report to see how it works.

ORGASMIC PEAKING <=== Free Report From Dr. Patti

You’re here to become a better lover, right?

We can’t wait for you to experience the first time you and your lady ride the Expanded Orgasmic wave together.

Get the simple peaking formula here:


3 Responses

  1. My wife gets annoyed when I back off she wants me to stay the course. she hates when I try to bring her up to new peaks by backing off Have any suggestions.

    1. Try just skipping a beat, rather than backing off so much. Before she realizes the stroke went missing, and she reaches for it, you’ll be back delivering it for her.

  2. thanx so much for the informative updates, so much free invaluable education. I hope with time I’ll be a better man “in camera”

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