Kinky sex is especially important to add buzz and titillation to a long term relationship.
You can train each other to enjoy those little kinky things that turn you on.
A naughty private life together binds you intimately and gives you both a great sense of personal power.
I’ve found it best to ramp up slowly, with no pressure to “perform.” And whatever “scene” you make up is enhanced by heightened communication:
– Understanding each other’s boundaries and areas to avoid.
– What it is within the scene your partner finds extra hot so you can play to each other’s desires.
Here are some fun examples of beginner things you can do beyond “vanilla sex.”
– Lingerie costumes with role playing.
– Switching the dominant role with the more receptive partner.
– Blindfolds with sensation play.
– Adding a new lover into the mix (ONLY if you’re in a stable relationship.)
Think of these kinky play ideas as “Sandbox Dates.”
Dr. Patti calls sex dates where you’re playing while learning, “Sandboxes.”
When you frame the kinky play as a Sandbox you have more latitude to talk about what’s happening as it occurs. Co-create an idea for a scene ahead of time. This is a wonderful, sexy dinner conversation! Then you will both be in agreement about what everyone contributes to the date. Then as the scene plays out you’ll have more comfort knowing what’s expected. Of course it can veer in any direction if you both agree in mid-date to change it. That’s what the heightened communication is good for.
Once you start the scene, try and drop in to your sensual desire and turn each other on using your plan as the pathway to ramping desire. Try and fuel the fire to make it really hot. Have fun.
If you have any trouble at all talking to your partner about your desire for more variety in your sex life, I highly recommend the Be Her Sexual Trainer: Unlock Her Most Intense Sexual Responses <=== How To Train Your Partner Sexually (Works perfectly on guys too.)
Dr. Patti wrote it. I recorded the audiobook version in my sexiest voice so both the words and my sounds will make it exciting to hear.
This is POWERFUL information not taught anywhere else.
Part of Dr. Patti’s Seduction Trilogy — you will learn a super simple model of seduction that works as well on wives as it does on first dates.
This is the seduction strategy that is made to DELIGHT (never manipulate) your lover. It works as well on men as women too.
Why is Be Her Sexual Trainer the book that every lover hopes you will read before your next erotic encounter?
– You’ll learn how to recognize what she wants sexually.
– You will discover how to communicate openly and honestly about what pleases her – and you – sexually.
– You’ll understand how to get her to delightfully open her vast sexual treasure-trove to you. You’ll do this by mastering the art of encouraging her to reveal her deepest, most secret sexual fantasies and desires, so that they may become a reality.
– You’ll discover how to train your partner sexually both without them noticing that you’re doing it (when that’s appropriate), or with their overt and enthusiastic agreement – thus initiating a sexual training program together.
Are you ready to dive into hot, meltdown sex – more and better than you ever dared hope for?
Watch this video about how to train your lover to enjoy new things sexually. <=== Thought Provoking Sexual Training Video
Sexual Training is where it’s at. Hold joy in your heart and smile, smile, smile! This is FUN SEX.
Kinky Turns Me On!
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If you are going to add ONE piece of information to your sexual knowledge, THIS is the one to add. It works on men, women, singles, spouses and makes sex much more fun and adventurous.
BOREDOM is the #1 reason a woman stops sleeping with a guy. She wants variety, but she needs her man to lead her to it. This is the leadership model that works for any gender orientation, at any age.
The Seduction Trilogy <=== Watch How To Train Your Lover Sexually
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i am very thankful because of the advice i am getting from you