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How To Deal With The Silent Treatment In Relationship

When she doesn’t answer your texts or calls.

(if you’re getting the silent treatment from any woman, including your wife you must scroll down and read this)

Here is a conversation that I’ve had with countless men all over the world for a decade…

➜ Guy chases woman who stops responding.
➜ Guy carries a torch for her even though she ignores him.
➜ Guy keeps trying to get her back because he’s gotten fixated on her.
➜ Guy refuses to “get the message” that she is NOT interested in him.
➜ Guy ends up angry, bitter and alone —and hating all women because of this one woman.

Here’s how it goes… (scroll down)


Here’s an actual conversation —like countless correspondence I’ve had in the past with men all over the world —where he keeps pursuing a woman who is not responding back in kind:

Guy is in blue. Susan’s responses in red.

The information about sex you send is good. But it’s useless as long as she is giving me the silent treatment. How can I get her to open up to me so I can use these techniques? She doesn’t answer my texts or phone calls.

If she’s non responsive, she is not interested in you. Have you considered dating and finding a new girlfriend?

Guess that would be the easy way out. But I’m a man that likes challenge. We went through this before. But this is the longest I’ve ever gotten the silent treatment. I want to remedy that once and for all so I don’t keep making those same mistakes.

Well… this is her modality. You’re not going to “solve it” unless she learns more mature emotional coping methods. What you are doing is going after a woman who is going to constantly give you problems. Nothing will change in the future.

You would be WAY BETTER OFF moving on and finding a more emotionally stable woman.

I see this happen time and time again. Guys get fixated on one woman, no matter how bad it is.

Please, please consider my advice.

There are a million fish in the sea.

The 5 Steps To Sexual Attraction <=== How To Intensely Create Explosive Sexual Chemistry

I’ll give it some thought. You may have a good point.

I DO have a great point. And I see this same bad decision play out all across the world with thousands of men who cling to a woman who is NOT interested in him.

Please, move on. Go out and meet more women.

If she wants you, she will come back to you.


If you are getting “the silent treatment” from a woman, she is either not interested or is upset with you and not emotionally mature enough to have an actual conversation about her feelings.

Both of these reasons are reasons to back away.

Guys put up with a LOT of pain for regular access to sex and companionship… but you do not have to compromise yourself to this extent.

If it’s your WIFE or steady girlfriend who is giving you the silent treatment, the only option you have is to address it head on. If you let this kind of behavior manifest, you’ll never get to the point where you can have honest conversations about much if anything.

As the man… as the leader… you must set the contextual boundaries in the relationship. If you don’t, a woman who uses stonewalling or the silent treatment or who makes you walk on eggshells will have you by the balls, FOREVER.

Kiss your balls goodbye.

You allowing the silent treatment is creating a lack of polarity. She no longer respects you. And ultimately women do not have sex with men they don’t respect.


Ask yourself this.

If your woman rages at you… If she really tells you the truth about what is going on inside her mind…

Can YOU handle it?

Some women are martyrs. They suffer in silence because they don’t actually trust that their guy can handle her truth.

This is just as bad as compromising.

So when you’re thinking about how to get a handle on her silent treatment, point your finger right back at yourself.

If you’re going to crumble because of what she says, you are not making it safe for her to tell the truth.

A strong, solid man can handle whatever comes his way.

Get rooted in your strength and probe until she finally spills her guts.

Then deal with whatever IS. Like a man with a pair of balls.

If you’re stuck right now reading this… like I haven’t given you enough information to figure out what to do, click here to go to our website and post your question at the bottom of the article.

I will answer you.

I am here in support of your personal growth and your sexual potential.

Fill your pipeline. You need more “deal flow.”  More women to date means you can be choosier. Get one new date a week. Clean yourself up. Go out and talk to women. Look for ways to serve and support. Step up.

The 5 Steps To Sexual Attraction <=== How To Intensely Create Explosive Sexual Chemistry
Sexual attraction is an emotional attraction – the emotion of “I want that”… a strong desire, with a filter of sexuality over it.

4 Responses

  1. Hello, Susan!

    What a wonderful website you run here. There is just no better place to learn about oneself and ones sexuality. I have purchased a few of your programs and look forward to many more! They don’t teach any of this stuff formally in school because it is either too embarrassing or taboo to speak of. That is a tragedy which has resulted in a lot of bedlam in the world as you so eloquently point out in several of your articles.

    I’m a single, 30 something guy who spends way too much time in my own bedroom working on my skills and studying a lot of what you recommend in order to prepare myself for an exciting relationship. I suffer from excessive readiness and a closeted eagerness. I’ve done a little poking around in astrology and I’ve discovered that my Eros is in Taurus and I related to that so much it kind of shocked me. Seemingly insatiable, I am best won via bedwork which, coincidentally, appeals to my deeply tactile nature. I’m about as high touch as they come.

    What worries me is that, once I’m truly in love, there’s a good chance that I may become possessive, doting and demanding, lavishing my lover with athletic devotion. I have a libido that waxes rather than wanes with a long-term love affair. Stability really turns me on!

    That being said, I don’t want to get stuck crawling over hot coals for a women that isn’t secure enough around me to open up and let me know honestly what is going on. I know that women don’t always want things fixed, but bottling emotion is a dangerous and often explosive practice!

    My question is how do you tactfully end a relationship in an emotionally mature way? Do you simply say “I’m sorry your so emotionally immature, goodby.” and be done with it? That doesn’t seem healthy for either person involved! Is there even the slightest possibility of a civil break that doesn’t leave both parties with more emotional baggage then they had previously? Can their be peace and resolution in the face of this conflict? Do you have a program for that?

    I know that there really isn’t one best answer for these questions but I’m only looking for some guidance in the matter. I’m not going to hold you to some ridiculous standard so don’t feel pressured to come up with anything too profound. You’ve always had great insights no matter the topic. I look forward to your bubbly and thoughtful response. Love you for all you do and thanks!

  2. I understand so much more now how I screwed up my marriage ever since I’ve been learning about sex, sexuality, women and seduction.

    I never got any of this as a kid and certainly didn’t figure out much of it as a young man. Being in a frustrating relationship didn’t help much either.

    Fact is, I didn’t man up and lead. Consequently, my ex’s disdain and contempt for me grew to epic proportions.

    I left to give her space (I had been challenging her to leave if she was so miserable and I was such a bastard but she was so comfortable with the lifestyle I provided her she couldn’t or wouldn’t). Counselling efforts went nowhere.

    Finally, after a year of separation I allowed myself to connect with someone else for one night and I realized just how completely alone I was and how good it felt to feel kind of attractive. I never did that before in the 23 years of our relationship. We didn’t have sex but I realized that I wanted to be happy.

    Weeks later I finally cornered my ex and told her I was going to start seeing other people. I figured I owed that to her. It wasn’t until the next day that my ex wanted me to come over to have sex. When I told her I wasn’t interested that’s when the real ordeal started.

    Jealousy. Possessiveness. Fear of loss. I hadn’t even said I was seeing anybody but suddenly I was worth something to her. Unfortunately for her, I was too far gone.

    A friend of mine (female) told me if I wanted my wife back that I should start seeing someone else then she’ll want me back. I reacted, “that’s too manipulative.”

    I see now…

    If you still value your relationship then you should take that risk. You have to!

    If she gets angry then she still has feelings for you and she is more likely to work to get you back.

    As manipulative as it sounds you can’t go back too easily either.

    Otherwise — if it comes too easy — she’ll think that was too easy and won’t value her victory… and soon she’ll start disrespecting you again.

    “That’s too manipulative!”

    Not to sound too sexist but manipulation IS what women do. It’s what we all do. Everyone’s for “direct language” and “straight talk” but regardless how blunt or unequivocal one’s message is inevitably the messages we convey have to be placed in context and interpreted. We all manipulate one another.

    Polarity that Susan speaks about… it’s manipulation. We are affecting the way another responds to us. All the clever little “under the radar” techniques to get her thinking about sex. It’s manipulation.

    But before we dismiss these things out of hand because they’re “shady” we should remember women want sex. They want a masculine presence in their lives because they want to feel feminine. Our energies have to bounce off each other.

    They bounce off each other best when they start out subtle, indirect.

    Sometimes, though, the situation has gotten so out hand that you kind of got to go nuclear like I did.

    Point is: seeing other people is a huge risk. It could reveal she doesn’t care and maybe that’s what most men fear why they won’t try. Maybe they’re afraid they can’t attract someone else.

    But what if it shows she does have feelings for you? Still got some work ahead of you but now you know there’s a chance.

    What if, however, you find someone else, someone who really adores you, etc.

    It shouldn’t be the first tactic.

    But when all else fails…

  3. often, the most healthy thing to do is just move on. Young guys are constantly passing up other opportunities because the desired female likes to distance & use silence as leverage. Plenty of females just want fun and shun the drama. Like Nike said “just do it” and move on. Its surprising how moving on is so liberating .

  4. Great info I love learning the physiological make up of woman I am in a marriage with a true narsassistic sociopath I believe very rocky road to say the least down rite hellish and treacherous at times uggggg but need some big advices in a bad way ??????!!!!!!

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