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How Can I Stay Hard Longer For My Girlfriend During Sex

The BIGGEST reason why men lose their erection during sex is they get distracted.

Other guys have so much shame for their desire –they’ve been taught that having sex is bad –they can’t achieve climax inside a woman.

Porn is another cause of inability to get hard, stay hard or come with a “regular” woman.

For others it’s stress from the workplace, thinking about your kids or family, maybe an ex-lover perhaps?

Or maybe you overdid one of those “ejaculation delaying tactics” a lot of guys employ to keep from coming too soon.

It’s like when you’re working and a Facebook notification comes up. Instead of paying attention to the notification, you ignore it and continue working. It’s the same idea here.

Ignore the distraction and go back to being present with your partner during sex. It’s going to take some practice at first, but you’ll get better at it the more you do it.

If a thought that isn’t about you and your lover enjoying each other’s bodies and presence pops into your head, pop it right back out.

The SECOND biggest reason why men lose their hardness in the middle of lovemaking is that something changed at the physical level. You were turned on, but now you no longer feel that sensation.

Maybe it was when your lover was holding and caressing your manhood, or when you were in a certain position you liked, or when your woman was whispering sweet nothings into your ear.

What you do is just get back to that sensation so you can get turned on and hard again.

Talk to your lover and tell her you’d want to go back and feel that sensation.

Something as simple as, “Honey, I really liked it when you were massaging my penis earlier. Can you please do that to me again?” will work wonders.

Communication and teamwork is key here. And of course she’ll oblige; it’s a win-win for both of you.

Basically, when you feel like you’re losing your hard-on during sex, just ignore any distraction that’s in your head and try to go back to a previous physical sensation that got you hard in the first place.

Practice and do this well, and you may never go soft again.

Now, a friend of mine has a 2-second change in focus that is his trick to staying hard during sex.

His name is Matt Cook, and he’s an internationally-known intimacy coach. He’s helped hundreds of guys from all over the world have sex for hours and hours.

Take a moment and watch his video. It might help you too.

If you’ve had difficulty getting and staying hard before, check out Matt Cook’s video. He might have a few tricks to get your mojo back.

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<=== Check out his video where he talks about how to get hard, stay hard and have sex for hours…

4 Responses

  1. I have been on Rock Hard man tea for 3 months. At 54 I can use all the help i can get with erection strength. I have got it. No side affects except i do feel better. There is a product to lat longer too. I would like to try it as well. On the Rock Hard material my ejaculate is a lot larger volume, probably over doublr. Take care and enjoy!

  2. To whom it may concern
    where can I get Rockhard tea in south Africa…or any other recommendation supplements without side effects

  3. Exactly, this is what I always say to men. Never distract. It’s not our mistake though, we men were not told about these things in sex ed and then porn and media just fu** things up. And “change of focus” is incredible… I haven’t seen Matt’s video (no link) but I did it last night and got badass results. What I did was a sort of old school, mantra technique. Just repeat something fast, forcefully and for long. It works.

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