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5 Ways To Balance Your Hormones

If you’re having mood and weight problems, maybe even constipation and gut issues, increased sensitivity to cold or heat, or a lack of libido… you may want to keep reading.

I recently connected with a brilliant doctor named Jolene Brighton who is a hormone doctor. I loved her so much I invited her to do a video series with me for my Better Lover YouTube channel. That video series is coming soon, but to get you started, here are five tips to begin balancing your hormones with a link to her Birth Control Hormone Reset program.

If you’re ON the pill and want to get off of it, check out her program. I wish I hadn’t been on the pill EVER. I believe it gave me candida yeast overgrowth problems and caused me to have to have my gallbladder removed.

Synthetic hormone birth control is BAD FOR YOU.

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⇐ How To Balance Your Hormones Without Relying On Birth Control Pills

Lots of women go through hormonal problems. And what we first see when we try to search for ways to remedy it are things like Maca and Vitex. The thing is, these don’t always work for every woman.

Why? Because it’s not really your hormones that are causing your problems. Just because the symptoms seem hormonal doesn’t mean your ovaries are the source of the problem.

Our hormones govern our mood, energy, and love life. And are heavily impacted by everything from diet and hair products.

Gut issues are at the heart of many hormonal symptoms. Your gut houses the majority of your immune system, and when it’s not running optimally, you experience inflammation.

Inflammation in turn causes adrenal function to suffer. And when it does, your hormones are the next to go crazy.

So it really pays if you eat to support your natural hormone production.

Here are 5 diet changes Jolene suggests to her readers and clients to improve their hormones.

1. Add more healthy dietary fat

Fats are essential to building hormones. They also help stabilize your blood sugar. And steady blood sugar levels keeps your adrenals happy.

?Good fats include organic, raw nuts and seeds, wild-caught fish, and organic produce.

If you want to take a look at Jolene Brighton’s program where she goes into full detail on the step-by-step solutions to balance your hormones, check out her website.


2. Cut Your Sugar Intake

I’m talking about sugar as well as processed carbs. These are inflammatory, causes your blood sugar to spike, as well as create stress for your body. All these make your hormones go crazy.

3. Eat More Brassicas

Brassica family includes broccoli, kale, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, and more. These foods help your body produce more estrogen. They taste great when cooked well. Learn how to make them tasty!

Brassicas are also rich in Vitamin C, which help increase your progesterone and balance out your estrogen. They are also anti-carcinogenic. (prevent cancer)

4. Consume More Healthy Bacteria

Probiotics help by crowding out bad bacteria and populating your gut with the good kind of bacteria. They also reduce inflammation throughout your body.

Fermented foods are probiotic and include sauerkraut, kvass, kefir, homemade yogurt, kombucha and kimchi, all of which are delicious.

5. Seed Cycling

This is REALLY COOL! Eating certain types of seeds can actually influence your hormones. Seed cycling has been known to help women with heavy or irregular periods, PMS, perimenopause symptoms, as well as infertility.

Seed cycling follows the lunar cycle. Our bodies are very much in tune with the moon cycle, and that especially includes women’s menstrual periods.

Here’s How to Seed Cycle:

Day 1 to 14 (New Moon to Full Moon): Eat 2 tablespoons of fresh ground flaxseed and pumpkin seeds. This naturally helps increase your estrogen levels.

Day 15 to 30 (Full Moon to New Moon): Eat 2 tablespoons of fresh ground sesame seeds or sunflower seeds daily. This gives your body a nutrient boost that favors progesterone function.

These are just some of the tips the brilliant Jolene Brighton has for women going through hormonal problems.

If you want to know more, check out her website below.

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⇐ Without Relying On Birth Control Pills


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