There are short term and long term effects of taking antibiotics which is why I am thrilled to have found Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby’s book. Protect yourself by using natural alternatives to antibiotics whenever possible. Stock your cupboard now.
There are two types of people – those who bury their heads in the sand about health risks — and those who collect information and proactively manage their health risks.
You are the latter — someone who knows that information is the key to health.
This is why I want to alert you both to the newest sexually transmitted disease going around called, Mycoplasma Genitalium. It was “discovered” in the ’80s but it’s picking up speed.
And the only cure a doctor will give you is to blast the heck out of your body with antibiotics.
There are short term and long term effects of taking antibiotics which is why I am thrilled to have found Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby’s book.
Short term effects of antibiotics include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, vaginal itching or discharge, headache, rash, and swollen, black, or “hairy” tongue. Gross.
But it’s the LONG TERM effects that really worry me.
The biggest is “dysbiosis.”
This is when your gut microbiome is altered and affects your mental clarity, your immune system, your mood, your hormone production and regulation, and resistance to superbugs like syphilis.
Antibiotics cause oxidative stress in cells, which leads to cellular damage to your mitochondria – the batteries that give you energy for life.
Now I’m NOT saying if you get a sexually transmitted infection that you shouldn’t take antibiotics. What I am saying is that if you get sick, there are 47 natural alternatives to antibiotics depending on the illness outlined in A World Without Antibiotics.
I’m so happy I found this book and I want you to have it too.
Not only that, but Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby also recommends a dozen basic ingredients every medicine cupboard should have, most of which are “lost ways” of our grandparents and some of which are new electric healing devices.
Whether it’s fungal infections, boils, wounds, bites, dental and throat issues, inflammation, or simply immunity from winter flu epidemics – I’m laying these dozen solutions into my house right now.
Regarding Mycoplasma Genitalium, I just gave advice to a woman who is having a clear discharge to go get STI tests.
Mycoplasma Genitalium is a bacteria. It most often shows up in men as an inflammation of the urinary tract and in women inflammation of the cervix with vaginal discharge.
She’s in a monogamous relationship and attributed this change to menopause. But if 60% of married couples have a least one infidelity, you can’t be too careful.
You can test for MG. It’s transmitted from oral, anal, and vaginal sex. A condom will help, but you can also catch it from someone’s throat. It’s better to have yourself tested so you know you’re not infected. Next time you go to get tested, tell your doc to add it in as a precaution.
MG can be killed with antibiotics, but the docs I talked to say it’s hard to get rid of like tuberculosis. So the idea is to try NOT to get STI’s by having sex with partners who’ve had a full panel of STI tests.
I suggest adding Mycoplasma Genitalium to your list of STI tests required by new partners. It’s a urine test.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news like this. But I say it’s better to know than be ignorant. The more you are aware of what you can catch, the safer you act.
Rubbing bodies together can give us all sorts of bacterias and viruses. Being conscious of the risks will help you feel more confident when you make love with a new partner.
Hold out for a lover who is willing to get fully tested. Then you will feel more trusting and open to being with them.
And protect yourself by using natural alternatives to antibiotics whenever possible.
Stock your cupboard now.
Let me know if you have any questions.
In many cases, these safe alternatives work better than antibiotics. All you need is the best advice:
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