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5 Steps To Naturally Heal Leaking, Prolapse, and Intimacy Pain (Masterclass Invite)


Can you relate to any of these? 

  • “I pee myself at night.”
  • “I have a hard time orgasming, and when I do…I wonder, “Did I even come?”
  • “My back ACHES, but the doctor says to just keep on poppin’ pills.”
  • “After my cesarean, I don’t feel right down there…”
  • “Sex hurts so much and I’m tired of making up excuses.” 

That’s just some of the heartbreaking cries for help my friend and colleague Isa Herrera, MSPT, CSCS, hears every day.  Isa is a leader in a little-known and often ignored major medical crisis: female pelvic health.  

The Cause: Pelvic Dysfunction.   

It’s a silent epidemic that hijacks the happiness of over 30 million women in the U.S. alone.  That means 1-in- 3 women reading this are experiencing this devastating pain and dysfunction.  

And the medical establishment? 

It tells women to “have a glass of wine”, see a psychologist, or worse…have invasive (and completely unnecessary) surgery.

That’s right.

Some of the treatments that don’t work are:

  • Pelvic organ prolapse mesh surgeries, which do more harm than good and often require a “re-fix.” (Lee, Raz, 2011)
  • Bladder slings that don’t resolve the urine leaking, but can lead to self-catheterizing or worse erode into the vagina. (Howard DL, 2018)
  • Hysterectomies that could’ve been avoided – most are conducted for benign reasons. (Edler, 2017)
  • Botox injections in the vaginal walls that are not necessary.
  • Prescriptions with severe side-effects that don’t even alleviate the pain or leaking.


Because they have NO IDEA what they’re doing.

Unlike Isa Herrera.

She’s helped 14,704 women (to date) heal completely from sexual pain, incontinence, and other “lady parts” problems…WITHOUT meds, surgery, or injections.

The excellent news?

She’s hosting a LIVE free online masterclass: 5 Steps to Happier “Lady Parts!”  

Treasure Chest Pirate Girl Members Only Content
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⇐ FREE Masterclass for Women Suffering from Urine Leaks, Prolapse and Pelvic Pain


Yes!  It’s much needed and it’s going to be so good!

This is all about how to stop leaking, heal prolapse, and relieve pain without setting foot in a doctor’s office.

Reserve your slot for FREE now. 

Isa will share proven, self-healing exercises (you can apply today, in the privacy of your home) that’ll help you regain bladder control, heal your lower back pain, and eliminate discomfort (or excruciating pain) during intimacy…

If you’re a woman over 30, this is a must-attend!  

Best of all, it’s a safe place where you’ll be able to connect with women just like you (or stay completely anonymous) to talk about pelvic pain, leaking, vaginal pain, sex, and more! 

No more suffering in silence… you are NOT alone!

Space is limited so simply go here to reserve your seat now for this live special event.  

Are you a guy reading this? Awesome…we owe it to the women we love to pass on this email (simply hit “forward”). Since 1-in-3 women in the U.S. alone are suffering in silence…you probably know a few of them.

Treasure Chest Pirate Girl Members Only Content
Please login or register for a Free Membership to view this content.
⇐ FREE Masterclass for Women Suffering from Urine Leaks, Prolapse and Pelvic Pain

Susan With Isa HerrereISA AND I IN NYC

I just had the delight of having lunch with Isa in Manhattan recently and snapped this picture.

If you want help with your pelvic issues, watch this webinar.

Be sure you stay until the end and ask Isa anything about vaginas, sex, pelvic pain, exercise, surgery, obstetric trauma, and so much more. Her Q & A sessions are EPIC.

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