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Putting the SEXY back in Meno(Pause)

I was just thinking about something that’s been bothering me.

We’ve all heard the whispers and seen the raised eyebrows when the word “meno(pause)” comes up, right? Well, it’s high time we had a heart-to-heart about it, and trust me, it’s not what you might expect!

So here’s the thing: How come society has painted meno(pause) as this dark and dreary phase in a woman’s life, taking away her sensuality and sexuality? 

It’s like the moment you enter this stage, you’re supposed to give up on feeling fabulous and embrace night sweats, hot flashes, and crankiness. 

But who says that’s how it has to be?

What if we could rewrite that narrative? What if meno(pause) doesn’t mean the end of feeling sexy but rather the beginning of a new, empowering chapter? 

Can you imagine the potential joy and fulfillment you could find, not just despite meno(pause), but because of it?

The fabulous Sharon Stills has a FREE guide about putting the sexy in meno(pause. And what a beautiful gift this is for every woman. Check it out. 

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This provocative guide gives you a roadmap to revitalizing your sensuality and sexuality. It contains actionable strategies you can implement to put the sexy back in meno(pause).

✅ Rediscover your body by embracing the beauty of self-exploration.

✅ Learn about the remarkable benefits of masturbation and orgasms during meno(pause).

✅ Harness the power of creativity as a life process.

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⇐ Putting The Sexy Back In Meno(Pause) by Sharon Stills, ND.

And here’s another treat. 

When you sign up to download the guide, you’ll also be registered to join Dr. Sharon Stills’ upcoming Mastering The Meno(Pause) Transition Summit. You’ll learn how to embrace this time of profound emotional and physical transformation and emerge on the other side as your best self! 

You’ll get the opportunity to join more than 40 of the world’s leading experts in menopause, women’s health, hormone management, anti-aging, and more to help you opt out of the misery of menopause and embrace a powerful transition into the happiest, sexiest, most confident years of your life. 

You’ll also learn practical tools to manage, minimize, and reverse menopause symptoms to get back to doing what you love most! Because despite what the world might tell you —  the best years of your life are still ahead of you!   

Your red-hot, sexy menopause is just around the corner! 

How often do you get the chance to learn from these many experts worldwide about something that NONE of us can avoid?

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The Brattons

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