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A quirky reason your partner isn’t as interested in you anymore

You know how we often talk about sexual health, and we wonder why so many people, including us, sometimes feel off, especially regarding energy and libido? It turns out it’s not just an age thing or all in our heads.

I came across this survey, the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior, which had some startling stats. Like almost half the folks surveyed, both men and women were struggling with low or no sexual desire. And here’s the kicker: it’s primarily because of the crazy amount of toxins we’re unknowingly exposed to daily. Everything from our food to our air could mess with our hormonal balance.

Here’s a FREE guide to give you a primer on the toxins that could damage your intimacy and libido at home and what you and I can do about it. 

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⇐ 4 Toxins That Are Killing Your Libido And 5 Steps To Keep Your Sex Drive Humming 

When you download the book, you’ll also get your FREE ticket for this new docuseries called “Heavy” by Dr. Wendy Myers, and it’s pushing the boundaries of what we usually hear about detoxing. 

They’re saying that the cookware we use, the soaps we apply, and the surrounding environment are loaded with toxins. And these aren’t just affecting our physical health but our hormones and our sexual health. Our bodies constantly fight against these unseen invaders, and we don’t even know it.

The series brings together over 100 experts who are not holding back. They’re digging into how specific heavy metals can throw our hormones out of whack, how something as simple as our daily routines might undermine our health, and why the usual detox methods might not cut it. They’re also looking at solutions like how ozone therapy can help detoxify the body.

It’s scary to think that our day-to-day environment could affect our health to this extent. We often blame stress or lifestyle, but we must know this underlying issue of environmental toxins. It’s not just about feeling better now but also about protecting our health in the long run.

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⇐ 4 Toxins That Are Killing Your Libido And 5 Steps To Keep Your Sex Drive Humming

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