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Update On Stem Cell Injections Into My Clitoris

A few days ago I wrote about going to get my stem cells injected into my genitals. Why am I doing this? 

First to get a comparison of how stem cells differ from PRP in the O Shot. 

Secondly, because I’m a sexual biohacker and we like to experiment with anti-aging technology.  I’m having the best orgasms of my life at 62 and I want to keep coming even better over time, not worse. The stem cells trigger new tissue growth, improved tightening and elasticity, and enhanced sensory ending and glandular functions to reverse genital atrophy caused by aging.

Two days after my treatment with Dr. Gross at ReCELLbrate, I made love to Tim. I felt even more pleasure deeper inside my erectile tissue systems. It was like the collar of erectile tissue around my vaginal canal was really activated.

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Then last night, 5 nights after the treatment I asked Tim to give me a Yoni Massage. He used my Pleasure Protocol and his hands. That was nice but I craved the vibrations of the Laya iii vulva massager. So he turned it on and started running it over my mons and outer labia.

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It felt really good to get the blood flow and stimulation of the Laya iii, but I just couldn’t get lift-off to do anything more. I thanked him and we kissed goodnight.

I don’t feel bad if I can’t “get there” every time. It’s better to try and sometimes you just need to go to sleep. We ultimately have MORE intercourse from him selflessly giving me on-demand Yoni massages than if we didn’t. 

I am still in repair, regrow, and rebuilt mode with the stem cells. I’ll keep reporting my experiences. Will you please get yourself or your partner the Laya iii and Pleasure Protocol and start putting energy into her vulval engorgement? This effort has paid dividends for decades.

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