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Significant Benefits of Vaginal Estrogen Replacement On Overall Health

The Glow Below Estrogen replacement vaginal serum I recommend has both Estradiol and Estriol. This is often called, Bi-Est.

From my most trusted hormone scholar and MD, Dr. Lindsey Berkson comes an excellent clinical data explanation:

“Estriol has many protective actions in the human body.

From being an anti-cancer estrogen agonist (signaling genes that reduce inflammation and/or DNA damage and thus protect against multiple cancer cell lines).

This is because estriol mostly signals the anti-cancer estrogen receptor, ER Beta.

Agonists of this receptor are one of the ways the human body protects itself AGAINST getting cancer.

Estriol also protects one of our largest organs, the endothelial lining in our vascular and lymphatic vessels.

The endothelium (and thus estriol signals) help support:

  • Blood fluidity: Controls blood fluidity
  • Vascular tone: Mediates vasomotor tone
  • Platelet aggregation: Controls platelet adhesion
  • Immunology: Regulates inflammation and angiogenesis, and participates in innate and acquired immunity
  • Organ development: Orchestrates organ development
  • Nutrient trafficking: Regulates cellular and nutrient trafficking
  • Blood clotting: Controls blood clotting 
  • Laying down of plaque

PS. Estriol also helps us stay younger looking. As estriol protects the matrix of collagen so it helps skin have a younger appearance.”

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Glow Below has Shea Butter, Sunflower and Almond Oil, Bi-Est, Vitamin E, Cacao, Beeswax and HA. It’s made from natural ingredients instead of the garbage most products are made from that I’d NEVER put in my vagina.

I use the Glow Below on my face, neck, back of hands, and forearms as well as in my vagina.

  • Quick relief from itching, burning, dryness, and chafing
  • Boosts lubrication and skin elasticity
  • Increased blood flow
  • Improved sensitivity for better sex
  • Fewer UTIs and yeast infections
  • Relief from urinary incontinence and leaks
  • Strengthened pelvic floor and tissue restoration
  • Revived natural vaginal texture and smell

Glow Below ⇐ Prescription-strength Estriol and Estradiol Clean Vaginal Serum Made By Dr. Michelle Sands (DHEA Option Available)

Estriol (E3) replacement improves endothelial function and bone mineral density in very elderly women. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2000 Apr;55(4):B183-90; discussion B191-3

Japanese researchers investigated the effects of estriol (E3) on endothelial function and bone mineral density (BMD) in very elderly women.*

Twenty-four very elderly women (80 ± 3.5 years old) were administered CaCl2 with or without estriol treatment (2 mg/day) for 30 weeks (hormone replacement treatment [HRT] group vs control group).

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