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Ways to Have Hot Sex: 7 Sensational Tips for Igniting Passion

Meaningful Present: Embrace the Thoughtful Gift

Our best-selling Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection will be at 60% OFF on November 29th for our Steamy HOLIDAY SALE! We will only have 500 copies available. If you get on the VIP list, you’ll get first dibs with no obligation to purchase.

Click Here to get on the Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection 60% OFF Sale VIP List.

Whether you’re having trouble finding a fantastic person to welcome, or just want to meet many potential sex partners and have fun…

It’s in your best interest to know how to be truly unforgettable.

Unforgettable in how you get intimate with someone — and become sexually memorable in the bedroom. 

I’ve been helping men and women for over a decade, and here’s some of my best advice. 

Scroll down for seven ways to be unforgettable to ANY potential lover you meet. However, click the link below and discover how to blow her away in the bedroom. 

Reserve Your VIP Spot ⇐ Our Steamy HOLIDAY Day SALE Is Coming! Experience Incredibly Hot Passion. (Heart-connected, sensual, passionate lovemaking videos) You’ll get a one-day advance notice before other people so you can have a chance to consider purchasing my Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection before all of our 60% off sale copies are snatched up.

1. Practice being unattached to the outcome. You want the potential lovers you meet (and eventually sleep with) to know that you are solid in your own life and happy to have them join you on your incredible adventures, but not needy.

2. Be direct in your attention to them. If you find a lover who appeals to you, let them know with a compliment right away. People don’t get enough compliments… trust me. Guys, she’s waiting for you to make the first move, which shows masculine leadership. Ladies, if you like him enough and make the first move, it’ll shock him out of his system and make you instantly unforgettable. It’s biology. 

3. Good posture and eye contact are crucial. Showing confidence and interest in the person you are with is essential. Slouching or looking away can give the impression of disinterest or disrespect. Maintaining good posture and eye contact shows that you are respectful and interested in the person you are with. Replace your shyness with sex appeal!

4. Go with the flow of the conversation. Just be authentic and interested in them. You get rejected, much less if you can contain your emotions and composure by staying calm and present. Just be an honest-to-goodness, interesting human, not someone on the prowl for love.

5. Speak clearly and directly to them. Mumbling and low-talking show a lack of confidence. If your voice rises, just say, “Hmmm….” It will bring down the pitch to your deepest, most natural register. Plus, it sounds sexy. If the other person can’t understand what you’re saying, it can be frustrating and make it hard to have a good conversation. 

6. You don’t have to try to make them laugh. Just SMILE. Practice smiling in a mirror at home. Can you light up your face and show your teeth? The more you do it, the more natural it becomes. Start smiling at co-workers and people in your life. It will change your physiology as well as your mood and hers. Don’t buy into the modern misinformation that being mysterious, brooding, skeptical, and aggressive to the point of being combatant is sexy for guys and gals. A smiling, cheerful face is always more attractive than someone who looks depressed or unhinged. 

7. Focus on good grooming. When you take the time to dress nicely and groom yourself, it shows that you are making an effort and respecting the other person. It also helps you feel more confident and comfortable, making a date go more smoothly. So, remember to take some time to get ready and look your best for your date. It will help you feel confident and make a good impression on the other person.

These seven quick tips will help you make an unforgettable impression on the potential partners you meet. 

Being unforgettable when you meet someone is different from being unforgettable in bed. 

If you want to dominate their world in bed completely…

A surefire way is to have a near-limitless collection of sex techniques to leave your partner impressed, in awe, and slack-jawed with unparalleled sexual pleasure no other person has ever done before. 

Now, I’m not telling you to learn from porn. 

I suggest you learn sensual, heart-connected lovemaking techniques that make her more CRAVE you. 

Sex positions and tricks your lover won’t get out of her head for days. 

It’s much more fun to learn heart-connected techniques from my Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection

The methods aren’t disrespectful to women; they are steamy and sexy enough to blow each other away. 

Reserve Your VIP Spot ⇐ Our Steamy HOLIDAY Day SALE Is Coming! Experience Incredibly Hot Passion. (Heart-connected, sensual, passionate lovemaking videos) You’ll get a one-day advance notice before other people so you can have a chance to consider purchasing my Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection before all of our 60% off sale copies are snatched up.

1. Practice being unattached to the outcome. You want the potential lovers you meet (and eventually sleep with) to know that you are solid in your own life and happy to have them join you on your incredible adventures, but not needy.

2. Be direct in your attention to them. If you find a lover who appeals to you, let them know with a compliment right away. People don’t get enough compliments… trust me. Guys, she’s waiting for you to make the first move, which shows masculine leadership. Ladies, if you like him enough and make the first move, it’ll shock him out of his system and make you instantly unforgettable. It’s biology. 

3. Good posture and eye contact are crucial. Showing confidence and interest in the person you are with is important. Slouching or looking away can give the impression of disinterest or disrespect. Maintaining good posture and eye contact shows that you are respectful and interested in the person you are with. 

4. Go with the flow of the conversation. Just be authentic and interested in them. You get rejected, much less if you can contain your emotions and composure by staying calm and present. Just be an honest-to-goodness, interesting human, not someone on the prowl for love.

5. Speak clearly and directly to them. Mumbling and low-talking show a lack of confidence. If your voice rises, just say, “Hmmm….” It will bring down the pitch to your deepest, most natural register. Plus, it sounds sexy. If the other person can’t understand what you’re saying, it can be frustrating and make it hard to have a good conversation. 
6. You don’t have to try to make them laugh. Just SMILE. Practice smiling in a mirror at home. Can you light up your face and show your teeth? The more you do it, the more natural it becomes. Start smiling at co-workers and people in your life. It will change your physiology as well as your mood and hers. Don’t buy into the modern misinformation that being mysterious, brooding, skeptical, and aggressive to the point of being combatant is sexy for guys and gals. A smiling, cheerful face is always more attractive than someone who looks depressed or unhinged.

7. Focus on good grooming. When you take the time to dress nicely and groom yourself, it shows that you are making an effort and respecting the other person. It also helps you feel more confident and comfortable, making a date go more smoothly. So, remember to take some time to get ready and look your best for your date. It will help you feel confident and make a good impression on the other person.

These seven quick tips will help you make an unforgettable impression on the potential partners you meet. 

Being unforgettable when you meet someone is different from being unforgettable in bed. 

If you want to dominate their world in bed completely…

A surefire way is to have a near-limitless collection of sex techniques to leave your partner impressed, in awe, and slack-jawed with unparalleled sexual pleasure no other person has ever done before. 

Now, I’m not telling you to learn from porn. 

I suggest you learn sensual, heart-connected lovemaking techniques that make her more CRAVE you. 

Sex positions and tricks your lover won’t get out of her head for days. 

It’s much more fun to learn heart-connected techniques from my Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection

The methods aren’t disrespectful to women; they are steamy and sexy enough to blow each other away.

Reserve Your VIP Spot ⇐ Our Steamy HOLIDAY Day SALE Is Coming! Experience Incredibly Hot Passion. (Heart-connected, sensual, passionate lovemaking videos) You’ll get a one-day advance notice before other people so you can have a chance to consider purchasing my Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection before all of our 60% off sale copies are snatched up.

Here are eight more ideas to get the most out of your sex life. Whether you’re single, dating, or in a relationship, these ideas will add more spice to your bedroom experiences.

8 Passion-Filled Playful Bedroom Adventures ⇐ These Aren’t Your Parent’s Date Nights!

Sign up for the VIP list even if you haven’t decided to buy it.

You just have to see these preview videos. I’m so proud of them. PLUS, there’s no obligation to purchase.

You can get the Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection during the SALE… or wait for next time, whenever that may be… and whenever you’re ready for phenomenal lovemaking.

You decide. Just go sign up for VIP. You deserve to be there anyway—and one more thing. We can only print 500 copies of the video collection at a time. And we sell out every time we put it on SALE. 

So, if you want to be at the head of the line, in front of everybody else who can’t wait to get a taste of Steamy Sex Ed®, get on the VIP List today!

Reserve Your VIP Spot ⇐ Our Steamy HOLIDAY Day SALE Is Coming! Experience Incredibly Hot Passion. (Heart-connected, sensual, passionate lovemaking videos) You’ll get a one-day advance notice before other people so you can have a chance to consider purchasing my Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection before all of our 60% off sale copies are snatched up.

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All information from Susan Bratton, Personal Life Media, The20, and our collective brands are personal opinions. The statements made within this email/website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements and the products of this company are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always seek consultation from your doctor.

One Response

  1. The sooner I can unite with “My Soulmate” the better for both of Us! And I believe my affiliation here will give me the “Goodness of Fit” that will expedite that union!

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