Features and Benefits:
Think on a grand scale when it comes to giving your woman multiple orgasms.
Discover How To:
- Set up your “lover space” in the way that allows her to relax and surrender to your lovemaking experience.
Find “her spot” when it’s a moving target.
- Keep a whole body orientation during sex.
- Use refractory periods and peaks so she can orgasm time and time again.
- Recover from trying something new to which she does not at first respond positively.
- Handle the potential increase in the level of intimate bonding that comes with giving her ecstatic orgasmic experiences.
- Verbalize appreciations and talk about what you notice during lovemaking with a focus on increasing her arousal with your words.
- Adjust when it doesn’t feel good to her, her energy is dropping, or it doesn’t feel like progress is being made.
- Fight off the desire to have quick sex until she’s ready and her genitals are fully engorged with stroking and attention.
- Be completely comfortable with what ever happens during lovemaking session, including any emotional or physical situations that arise.
- Let go of your “goal orientation” during lovemaking.
- Have your own complete “stroke portfolio” developed that moves her up her climactic curve.
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