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Stories That Prove Food Is Medicine

Did you know food is medicine? That the foods we eat directly influence our health and have the power to heal.

Foods fuel our bodies at a cellular level and if we ingest toxic, highly processed foods, then guess what happens to our bodies? They become toxic, inflamed, and predisposed to illness and disease.

And this is what many of us are currently doing. Our diets are abundant in high-calorie processed foods.

If we eat a wide variety of nutrient-dense foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, we can reverse the harm we have been doing to ourselves and heal ourselves whilst protecting ourselves from future chronic illness and disease.

To help give you hope and inspire you to take action today make better food and nutrition choices and embrace the philosophy of FOOD AS MEDICINE join me and watch the FREE 2024 FOOD HEALED ME Series — on May 20th!

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Over 16 days, you’ll learn how 16 everyday people use food to heal themselves from life-threatening illnesses and diseases such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, autoimmune disease, Hashimoto’s, and heart disease.

Get ready to be inspired by 16 incredible people who overcame what many of their physicians told them would be impossible and are now living healthier lives than before.

Save your spot to watch this completely free online interview series:

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Mark your calendar and get ready to learn how to eat to be well at the Nutritional Wellness Summit, June 10th. I will be a speaker along with 78 other inspiring health and nutrition experts.

The line-up is AMAZING!

Day 8: Anti-Aging, Longevity & Energy

  1. Michael Greger, MD – How Not to Age & Use Nutrition to Get Healthier As We Get Older
  2. Melissa Petersen, DC, MS, BCHH – Epinutrients: Nutrition That Regulates Your Gene Expression for Longevity
  3. Paul Ling Tai, MD – Anti-Ageing for Menopausal Women
  4. Jay Freldman, DO – How to Maximize Your Cellular Energy for Disease Prevention & Longevity
  5. Neil Paulvan, MD – Mitochondrial Health For Healthy Aging & Longevity
  6. Shawn Wells, MPH, RD, LDN, FISSN – Nutrition & Supplementation to Maximize Our Energy
  7. Rachel Varga, BScN, CANS – Nutrition for Skin Care & Anti-Aging
  8. Susan Bratton – Nutrition for Ageless Sexual Health
  9. Nathalie Niddam, CNP, BHCP: Nutritional Biohacking & Peptides for Longevity

When you register today, you will also receive two eBooks: Your Path to Nutritional Wellness and Expert Insights Into Nutritional Wellness.

Plus, you will receive a complimentary ticket to the 2024 Nutritional Wellness Online Summit, and your chance to hear from 78 world-leading medical and nutrition experts who will share the latest breakthroughs and transformational insights into using food as medicine.

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