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Meaning Solution – Start Here Guide


“You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.” — Albert Camus

It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to a body of knowledge that has the power
to change your life. Even if you only do just a little bit every day and allow the practices
and exercises to work their magic on you, you will see dramatic results. I believe that it
is profoundly important that people investigate their relationship to the meaning in their
life and take a much more active interest in creating their own meaning. The Meaning
Solution Program will help you do that investigating by spelling out in step-by-step detail
what actions you can take and what efforts you can make to transform yourself into a
passionate meaning-maker.

Iʼve been working in the terrain of meaning for more than thirty years as a family therapist,
creativity coach, meaning coach and the author of more than 30 books. All of the
ideas, practices and exercises in the Meaning Solution Program have been tested in the
crucible of reality in my work with individual clients, in group work, in cyberspace research
with test subjects, and by way of reader responsesʼ to my books. Although
meaning may seem like an abstract and elusive subject, I have made it as accessible as
possible by supplying you with common sense language to talk about meaning and
straightforward exercises that will help you identify your values, create a life purpose
vision, make daily meaning investments, and keep meaning afloat all the time. If you
work the Meaning Solution Program, you will see results.

The techniques and practices Iʼm offering are simple to learn, easy to do and highly effective.
I am going to ask you to consider that the true and lasting change you seek
comes from deep inside yourself and that with the programʼs help you will be able transform
your intuitive wisdom into a way of being that makes you feel proud of your efforts
and that moves you from a seeker of meaning to a maker of meaning. Then you will be
able to experience all the meaning youʼve been longing for in your life. Ready? Here we

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