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What If You Are Intimidated By The Concept of Her Ejaculating?

Intense Cartoon Character: Unleash the Power

Woman At Work!
The learning curve when it comes to female ejaculation is as vast and varied as there are women.

Some women might instantly be able to ejaculate once they are given permission, hear about it, or see it demonstrated.  Her body might intrinsically understand the internal process and then she simply “gets it,” while others practice for years or realize they have other barriers to pleasure which need to be addressed first.  Each woman’s journey is unique and perfect.  There is no such thing as one woman’s sexual journey being inferior or inadequate to another woman’s situation.

Some of the best things you can do as her partner are:

●     Give her permission
●     Lots of genuine and specific compliments
●     Perfecting your own skills and techniques (manually, orally, toys, and intercourse)
●     Experimenting in ways which help her feel safe and turned-on at the same time.
●     Being emotionally available and present to what’s going on for her emotionally, energetically, physically, mentally and spiritually

One of the things I encounter frequently when I teach about this topic, is the pressure that women feel to achieve this as a goal.  And if they can’t “achieve” it, then they feel less-than or inadequate.  The last thing she needs is pressure from you, society or someone like me.

My goal is for women to not have a goal… to go towards what is pleasurable and makes them feel great while simultaneously learning and educating themselves about what is possible.

Some women think ejaculating is the ultimate and hottest experience while others do not care for it.  Similarly men have a variety of reactions to the experience.  Wherever you are with your excitement or intimidation about female ejaculation, try to be honest with yourself and with your partner.

There are a lot of fine lines to be aware of.  If you are very enthusiastic about it, great!  Just make sure not to put pressure on her or make it your goal for her to ejaculate during a sexual session with her.  If you are intimidated and not so sure about how you feel, be honest with her about it but maintain your excitement and encouragement without making her feel inhibited, self-conscious or shut down.  The more you can embrace her wonderful juices and learn as much as you can about the subject as well as her unique journey, the more she will feel liberated and excited to explore and learn this with you.

Photo Credit:

to Torley's photostream page


With love,
Tallulah Sulis

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