The three opening strokes start delivering sensation, get the lubrication on her genitals and bring her into her body. Each of the three strokes goes in sequence and progressively feel more delicious to her. Take you time with each of these, as they are one of the most delightful parts of a DO date for her.
Stroke 1 – Drag two fingers from her Fourchette or Perineum slowly up between her labia majora and labia minora in the valley between the two lips. Refrain from gettng them near her vaginal opening and do not touch her clitoris – stop short of her clit.
Stroke 2 – Drag two lubed fingers from the bottom of her slit near her Fourchette or Perineum all the way up to but not onto her clitoris, between her labia minora. You are going inside her lips but not inside her vagina.
Stroke 3 – Start at her Introitus, or vaginal opening and drag up to her favorite spot on her clitoris and hold your finger on that clitoral spot.
Finally, observe and see the changes in her genitals after this initial engorgement and the Three Opening Strokes.
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