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Love And Money Predictions For Your Star Sign

What the planet Venus’ upcoming “performance’ means for you.

Interested in heavenly bodies and what they mean for your life?

A lot of people are very much into Astrology and how the stars, moons, and other cosmic entities affect our lives all the way from up there in space.

A few days from now, on August 17th, the planet Venus will reach its greatest eastern elongation from the Sun.

A planet’s elongation is the angular separation between the Sun and that planet with Earth as the reference point.

Now, I don’t want to get into the details of the positioning, because what’s interesting is not the data…

But what Venus’ positioning means for you.

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Now, the planet Venus represents two main areas of our lives: love and money.

This includes grace, charm, beauty, pleasures, artistic inclinations, and more.

Astrology enthusiasts believe that when Venus moves a certain way, it affects how our personal love life and financial status behaves.

Now, the actual effect on YOU, however, depends on what your astrological sign is.

That’s why it’s super important, and super interesting for you to know more about your cosmic significance.

These wildly accurate, fun, and interesting Astrology readings are brought to you by the one and only Adrian Ross Duncan.  You can’t go wrong with learning from him.


Adrian Ross Duncan is a full-time practicing astrologer. He speaks regularly at congresses all over the world and has an impressive lifelong resume. Countries where he has spoken: France, Holland, Britain, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Canada, the USA, Australia and New Zealand.

Get your free reading and make 2018 the best year of your life!


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