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How To Practically Hypnotize Men Into Staying In Love With You Forever

There’s a hidden desire in every man stronger than his penchant for sex.

Have you ever wondered why he gets more distant as time goes on?

I get asked this question all the time — and it can be debilitating to your self esteem.

Women are always telling me that no matter what they do, he seems to be more disconnected as time passes.

It starts with the little things, such as:

*Taking longer to reply back to messages

* Touching you less, especially in public

* Becoming more and more emotionally distant

* Less conversations about the future

…and while these are easy for women to rationalize, you must catch yourself.

If you’re saying things like:

“Well, he’s really busy this time of year.”

“Maybe he’s really focused on his work.”

“He’ll come around, this is natural.”

….then you have to come to the realization you’re slowly losing him.


There’s a hidden desire in every man stronger than his penchant for sex.

This part of him is designed to have him begging to see you again and chasing after you with the same passion as when you first met as well as talking about a committed future.

* He’ll be thinking about you all day.

* He’ll be envisioning your life together.

* He’ll be daydreaming at the office about you.

It’s his “Monogamy Junkie Mode.”

And when he’s in this state…

He’s madly in love, filled with desire for you and only you, and wants nothing more than to spend his entire existence with you.

Now, to get him in this state, you have to constantly fill him up with the love hormone, Oxytocin.

Oxytocin is a natural chemical in our bodies that are responsible for giving us feelings of love, desire, warmth, and an unquenchable longing for romance.

To pump out oxytocin in your man, you can do things like feeding him chocolates, cuddle, kiss him a lot, say sweet things to each other, exercise, give each other gifts… do all these and more.


You can simply say, text, or even whisper these “Bonding Phrases” to him to basically flood his body with oxytocin. Easy-peasy.

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⇐ How To Release Oxytocin In A Man Using Only Your Words

Even if you’re already noticing him growing further and further away from you, there’s still a fighting chance.

You just have to put him into “monogamy junkie mode.”

And the way to do that is to fill his entire body with the love hormone, oxytocin, with the help of these Bonding Phrases.

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