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How To Last And Go All Night


Don wrote to me saying, “Suz, Not only do I struggle to stay hard enough for sex, most of the time I come too fast. My wife doesn’t even want to try to have sex with me anymore. What can I do?”

It turns out the new Go All Night herbal stamina formula from my friend Adam Armstrong is DESIGNED to deal with a primary cause of both erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

Check out his new botanical blend for men’s stamina and erectile function.


I love what Adam says about Go All Night Formula. “It’s is a premium mix of the 7 highest quality ancient Eastern Taoist Super Herbs… carefully combined in very specific quantities… to turn you into a Confident, Pussy-Satisfying Stallion in the bedroom, no matter what your age!

These 7 Ancient Superherbs are blended in specific ratios, using a proprietary formula…

This creates the most powerful results possible, by increasing your Stress Tolerance and Lowering your overall Stress Levels…

When these herbs are blended with exactly the right proportion of each, the sum is much greater than any of the parts. It’s the synergistic effect of all these herbs together that makes Go All Night Formula so shockingly effective.”

A pussy-satisfying stallion?

That sounds awesome.

I recommend this herbal blend. You can trust Adam. My guys like his products. If you want stamina, have PE or any anxiety about your performance, or you just want to start 2020 with some sexual self-care…

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One Response

  1. 1. Good evening Susan, thanks for the information about lasting all night long with Adam’s products. In fact I tried to purchase his product and because he is in Europe somewhere, another country that ours, my bank doesn’t want to do business with him. Do you have any other ideas how I can get a hold of this product?

    2. My second question is more about our personal relationship between me and my wife. We have been married for 49 years. Within a year or two after our marriage we basically quit having sex. Oh we would try every now and again, but for the most part sex was non-existent. I can blame part of it on myself, because since puberty I have had an medical issue with parts down there. Basically hard to get an erection or maintain one. So, I can see why she doesn’t want to put up with me or the mess. Also we both didn’t know much about sex and actually back then we never did peruse any new knowledge about sex. For years now I have been boning up on sexual relations, some of your products and many others as well. But the biggest issue I have now is, she told me just the other day, she doesn’t like the smell of sex! I guess because I haven’t expressed wanting to have sex in a very long time, and the fact that both of us are fat, there’s nothing there for us. Oh, back when all this came to a head, she told me she didn’t want sex anymore and I ask her, so what about me, and she said I could jerk off in the shower to relieve myself! So we are in two different rooms of the house, have been for 30 + years. When we did try to make love, she would lay on the bed lake a dead fish, no movement, no sounds. So do you have any suggestions other than the big D word? Thanks ahead of time for your time.

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