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How To Get The Trauma Out Of Your Body

Connection and Love: Two Girls Embrace

Think about this. 

When life decides to toss us up in the air with a challenging experience, it’s not just our thinking minds that feel the impact, but our physical bodies, too.

Like that strange sensation in your tummy when you’re anxious or your heartbeat racing when you’re thrilled. Those are your body’s ways of telling you something. 

But, traditional therapies rarely take this into account, focusing primarily on our mental state and chemical levels and leaving our bodily experiences largely unexplored. 

That’s where Somatic Experiencing comes in. 

I’ve been recommending the Somatic Experience Technique since it was called, The Peter Levine Formula. One of my very good friends and I did a Sexual Healing series on using this approach to healing the trauma out of one’s body.

It’s a revolutionary practice recognizing our bodies’ intelligence and wisdom. We may activate avenues for self-discovery and healing by tuning into these core sensations. 

It’s a new way of listening to our bodies to discover areas that badly need attention. 

This is often used to help people who have undergone deep trauma and may not even realize they carry this heavy burden. 

That’s why I’m sharing a light introductory book by the brilliant mind who developed Somatic Experiencing—a powerful body-awareness technique for healing trauma. 

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⇐ Somatic Experiencing: Bottom-Up Processing For Healing Trauma By Peter A. Levine, PhD 

Imagine you’re on this extraordinary journey of self-exploration, tuning into your body and starting to sense an incredible harmony among your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations. 

Picture everything in perfect sync, like a fine-tuned orchestra.

This isn’t just about addressing trauma but about experiencing complete unity of mind and body, creating a holistic approach to healing. 

Dr. Peter A. Levine is the authority on this stuff, and he delves into this exciting internal world where your body helps you decipher and process profound experiences. There is no other who can explain this topic better than him. 

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⇐ Somatic Experiencing: Bottom-Up Processing For Healing Trauma By Peter A. Levine, PhD 

You’ll also get a FREE ticket to join the Biology of Trauma™ 3.0 Summit, hosted by Dr. Aimie Apigian, a double board-certified physician and leading medical expert on stored trauma in the body. This free online event, scheduled from June 20th to 26th, 2023, will feature over 40 of the world’s brightest minds in Trauma Therapy, Neuroscience, Functional Medicine, Mental Health, Psychology, and Physiology to offer a comprehensive understanding of trauma and its physical manifestations.

This groundbreaking summit aims to provide critical insights and techniques for understanding and managing trauma. Its daily sessions will help you identify the missing pieces of your healing puzzle, linking your mind, body, and spirit to facilitate deep healing and lasting recovery.

Throughout the summit, you will learn:

  • How to rewire trauma patterns for improved mental and physical health.
  • Identifying signs of overwhelm and learning effective strategies for releasing stored trauma.
  • How to address thinking patterns, thoughts, beliefs, and habits that may hold you back.
  • Uncovering the diseases most associated with trauma and stored emotions to protect your emotional well-being better.
  • Identifying missing core needs from childhood that lead to disconnection.
  • Choosing the right trauma therapy tools to integrate with your biology for faster, better results.
  • Recognizing and responding effectively to your body’s signals.
  • Improving sleep and reducing inflammation by rewiring your nervous system for health and aliveness.
  • Enhancing your overall health and well-being by strengthening the cycle of health and wholeness.

The Biology of Trauma™ 3.0 Summit is more than just a gathering of experts—it’s an opportunity for you to regain control, overcome lingering issues, and embark on a journey to a healthier, happier you. You don’t have to be a prisoner of your past; with the tools and resources provided at this summit, you can move beyond your trauma and live the life you deserve.

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⇐ Biology Of Trauma Summit

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