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Reader Question – Yeast Infections

Here’s a message from one of my followers of my content seeking some advice. I truly appreciate their vote of confidence.


Hi Shawn,

There is a pretty easy fix for this issue and it’s common. The solution usually requires throwing a few different “fixes” at it, but it’s solvable.

First, you should both do a candida eradication diet and take antifungals to kill off any potential fungus either or both of you have in your system. You could be passing it back and forth. This is a diet of no sugars, booze, or carbs for a couple of weeks. This book by my friend Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby is my go-to recommendation: 

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And though you can take a prescription such as Diflucan or Nystatin, I prefer to rotate a bunch of various herbal antifungals or combine the two. When you kill off yeasts, you also kill off some of your good gut bacteria. Taking any one thing in too high a dose can be counterproductive. I like to cycle through the various remedies in this photo because it takes a while to beat the yeasts back. This is my stash of anti-fungal supplements. I just keep them all together in a baggie in case I feel like I’ve eaten too much sugary stuff and I get a candida flare. You can never completely eradicate it, you can only keep it at bay from diet management. 

Yeast Cleanse Anti Fungals Susan Bratton

Take a variety of probiotics at the same time so that you’re also feeding the good gut bacteria.

You may get a Herxheimer response (people call it, “herxing” for short)  if you kill off the yeasts too fast. If you start feeling sick, slow down the die-off. The fungus will emit toxins to make you stop killing them. Don’t stop, just slow down. You’ll know it’s working.

Secondly, let’s get your wife’s vaginal microbiome in good working order so it’s more resilient. You haven’t mentioned her age, but as women get older and their estrogen declines, the biome gets more fragile. I recommend estrogen replacement if she’s nearing perimenopause. The estrogen helps with the glycogen levels in the vagina and urethral tract. She can get a vaginal cream that will help with the biome and will also thicken the vaginal lining so it holds more moisture and is less prone to irritation.

The other thing I’d add is red light therapy. It’s called photobiomodulation and it’s backed by scores of studies. The red light vagina device at

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will serve several purposes because it also has warmth and vibration for Kegel toning. It can:

  • Improve her vaginal glycogen levels to feed the good bacteria
  • Increase the density of her mucosal linings so penetrative sex does not become painful
  • Help with pelvic musculature and prevent or reverse incontinence
  • Increase blood flow so that the healing oxygen can help restore her vagina from the yeast overgrowth and improve engorgement so intercourse feels more pleasurable

It only takes minutes every day or so and is a device she can use for years.

Vfit Model

After you go down on her, she can rinse out her vagina with plain water. She can also make a paste with Garden of Life Women’s RAW Probiotics and coat her vagina with it after oral and lovemaking as you’re tamping back the candida. She can rinse the excess out the next morning again with a vaginal irrigator.
After you go down on her, she can rinse out her vagina with plain water. She can also make a paste with Garden of Life Women’s RAW Probiotics and coat her vagina with it after oral and lovemaking as you’re tamping back the candida. She can rinse the excess out the next morning again with a vaginal irrigator.

Vaginal IrrigatorRaw Probiotics

That ought to solve the issue once and for all so you can enjoy plenty of leisurely and orgasmic oral.

Remember I’m not a doctor and this is not medical advice. This is just my recommendation of what I’ve done to solve these issues for myself.

Let me know if you have any questions and tell me how things go.

Susan Close Up Edited

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