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“Diabetes is reducing my sensation. HELP!”

Health problems get in the way of good intimacy. 

Some medications, neuropathy, cancer, diabetes, and depression all reduce feelings of pleasure. 

This is called “sensation loss.”

There is an easy way to reverse sensation loss and increase desire. It’s so simple!

Roger emailed me that his wife has diabetes and no longer “has the feelings down there like she used to” back when they got together decades ago.

Here’s what I suggest.

Vaginal Healing Through Loving Massages ⇐ Steamy Sex Ed® Cozy Steamy Sexy HOLIDAY SALE Is Coming! Experience Incredibly Hot Passion. (Heart-connected, sensual, passionate lovemaking videos)You’ll get a one-day advanced notice before other people so you can have a chance to consider purchasing my Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection before all of our 60% off sale copies are snatched up.


Your body loses the ability to feel a sensation when you are ill and as you age. It’s called “sensation loss.” Men begin to struggle to achieve climax as much as women do.

Diabetes accelerates the loss of sensation because you have a double whammy problem: Diabetes causes vascular retraction… which means your arteries and capillaries are not reaching the edges of your tissue. They are shrinking. So healing, oxygenated blood isn’t pumping to your genitals like it used to. You can’t get as engorged, which means less signals to your brain that process pleasure.

What’s worse is that you get nerve retraction because now the blood supply to your nerves is not as strong. So you can’t FEEL as much.

Add to this confounding issue that your brain, your biggest sex organ, can’t get the blood to your brain to help it process pleasure and you have a perfect storm of sensation loss.

Reversing diabetes is your first step, of course, if it’s type 2. Nobody wants to have diabetes. It’s a life-devolving situation. But there are some things you can do to slow down the ravages of diabetes while you help her get it under control if you can.

You can regain some sensation through consistent massage and stimulation. Touch increases blood flow, which is required to feel the sensation. Contact generates new neural connections between your brain and body.

It takes a consistent touch and various touch techniques to get the blood flowing and the neural connections made. Most people know the basics: rub, tap, knead, press.

But when you regrow nerve tissue, you need many more ways to stimulate the tissue to get the feeling back.

I suggest you plug in the massage videos from our Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection. This series of 8 videos demonstrates over 100 sensual massage techniques you can try and add to your pleasure-giving portfolio.

You can plug in a Steamy DVD on your TV or spark up your laptop, run the Steamy Massage video module, and follow along stroke-by-stroke with the volume turned off to give your partner over 100 different sensations.

Once you’ve mastered the sensual massage techniques, you can escalate to the modules that include many male and female lovemaking techniques and positions and a whole DVD dedicated to female self-pleasuring that’s not just about “fingering to climax.”

Physical intimacy is all about “use it or lose it.” If you’ve already started losing it, you can regain lost function through a medley of sensual massage strokes. This is Orgasmic Activation at its finest! 

Over 200 advanced, heart-connected sex techniques are inside our Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection for men and women to watch together or as singles to prepare for “the one.”

Sensual Healing Massages For Intimate Lovers ⇐ Steamy Sex Ed® Cozy Steamy Sexy HOLIDAY SALE Is Coming! Experience Incredibly Hot Passion. (Heart-connected, sensual, passionate lovemaking videos)You’ll get a one-day advanced notice before other people so you can have a chance to consider purchasing my Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection before all of our 60% off sale copies are snatched up.

I want you to sign up for the VIP list, even if you’re unsure you want to get Steamy. Here’s why. 

I’m so proud of these videos that I want you to see the preview videos yourself. 

Plus, there’s no obligation to buy.

You can decide whether to get the Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection during the SALE or wait for next time, whenever that may be… and whenever you’re ready for phenomenal lovemaking.

You decide. Just go sign up for VIP. You deserve to be there anyway.

Reserve Your VIP Spot ⇐ Steamy Sex Ed® Cozy Steamy Sexy HOLIDAY SALE Is Coming! Experience Incredibly Hot Passion. (Heart-connected, sensual, passionate lovemaking videos)You’ll get a one-day advanced notice before other people so you can have a chance to consider purchasing my Steamy Sex Ed® Video Collection before all of our 60% off sale copies are snatched up.

All information from Susan Bratton, Personal Life Media, The20, and our collective brands are personal opinions. The statements made within this email/website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements and the products of this company are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always seek consultation from your doctor.

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