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 Schisandra: Ancient Taoist Men’s Rocket Fuel

One of the most popular herbs in the entire Ancient Eastern Taoist System of Health is called:


And every man could benefit from taking it. Here’s why…

This amazing Adaptogenic, Stress-Busting Super Herb is one of the best for Anti-Ageing – and improving Youthful Performance – in the entire Taoist Herbal System.

Since aging and a decline in Sexual Performance go hand-in-hand, this is a great thing (assuming you enjoy making your lover blissed out!)

Benefits of taking Schizandra include:

  • Increases your Energy, Endurance, and Stamina in the Bedroom – leading to
    20-30 minutes plus “Staying Power”
  • Lowers your Cortisol and Stress, leading to Higher Testosterone – which WILL boost your sex drive and give you Erections like an Iron Bar!
  • It helps your body produce more Sexual Fluids… giving you much bigger “Loads” (remind your woman to bring her Umbrella the next time you ‘get it on’)
  • Strengthens your Cardiovascular System and encourages healthy Blood Flow “Down There” as well as greater Stamina (helping you to achieve Rock Hard, Long Lasting Erections anytime you need them)

Of course, taking Schizandra on its own is a good idea…

However, taking it as part of a Formula is an OUTSTANDING idea…

Especially when that Formula mixes Schizandra with other herbs that support male sexual performance…

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