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Self-Discovery And Reinvention After Age 35

Nature's Solace: Girl Finds Calm Amidst Grass

Our society and culture paint a picture that menopause is when women get old, fat, cranky, sweaty, and unattractive. 

But it doesn’t have to be that way for you. 

Sure, it may be a time when your body goes through a massive overhaul. Your hormones are shifting, and you’re moving from one stage of life to another.

However, it’s more like when a caterpillar transitions into a cocoon. 

You don’t think it’s pretty inside that cocoon, do you? It’s a gooey mess! But it’s an essential and incredible moment of transformation, without which we wouldn’t have butterflies. 

Dr. Sharon Stills (a Naturopathic Doctor with 20 years of experience helping women “age backward” in menopause) calls bulls*%t on the preconceptions that menopause should be a struggle for women. 

She wants to help you write this next sacred chapter of your life as you approach and enter menopause and transition into the beautiful butterfly you were meant to be. 

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This is a GORGEOUS and powerful guide to help you consciously engage with the rest of your life.

Inside the guide, you’ll discover Dr. Sharon Stills’ PAUSE Method for self-discovery, self-reflection, enlightenment, and reinvention, empowering you to be the author of your sacRED Second Act.

Think of completing this guide as the ULTIMATE act of self-love for your future self,

The mechanisms of menopause might not be glamorous. Still, the process and, ESPECIALLY, the outcome can leave you feeling like a wise and glorious goddess!

And THAT is insanely sexy. 

And here’s another treat. 

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When you sign up to download the guide, you’ll also be registered to join Dr. Sharon Stills’ upcoming Mastering The Meno(Pause) Transition Summit. You’ll learn how to embrace this time of deep emotional and physical transformation and emerge on the other side as your best self! 

I’ll be speaking at the event on Menopleasure, and I want you to be there. 

You’ll get the opportunity to join more than 40 of the world’s leading experts in menopause, women’s health, hormone management, anti-aging, and more to help you opt out of the misery of menopause and embrace a powerful transition into the happiest, sexiest, most confident years of your life. 

You’ll also learn practical tools to manage, minimize, and reverse menopause symptoms to get back to doing what you love most! Because despite what the world might tell you —  the best years of your life are still ahead of you!   

Your red-hot, sexy menopause is just around the corner! 

How often do you get the chance to learn from this many experts from all over the world about something that NONE of us can avoid?

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⇐ Mastering The Meno(Pause) Transition 2.0 Summit

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