Introduction video for the “Expand Her Orgasm Tonight” program. Includes kinds of orgasm, multiple orgasm, expanded orgasm and setting Loverspace.
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6 Responses
Thought oils should not be used as they cause yeast infection.
My big problem with my partner That I could not get her ! I mean i cant inter my pines all of her because she says it hart her
So what is your advice for this issues
I’m sorry you are having trouble entering your partner. Has she ever had this issue with another man or are you the only man she’s had sex with? Are you taking the time (20 minutes at least) to stroke her vulva and warm her up? Are you using lubrication, like coconut oil or any clear oil you use for cooking? This oil can make it easier for her to accommodate you. Are you going very, very slowly? She could be afraid. Are you using protection so she won’t get pregnant if she doesn’t want to?
Talk to her more about what is hurting her. See if you can help make it slow and easy for her. Kiss her a lot and play with her breasts and nipples too. That will also cause her to open more to you. Good luck and let me know how it is going with this advice.
Unable to view or download this section of video lessons – comment says this is reserved for “premium members” Not sure why it is visible but can not be opened or downloaded ? Why list it as an essential part of the program and then restrict it ?
Is there any way I can obtain this program on CD/DVDs – I think I may lose the link the next time I reset my computer…
I agree with Tim if a lubricant is needed I would rather use organic oils.
Although Jim says he likes to use Vaseline in this video there are a lot of other options.
Many people prefer natural organic oils. For instance, I like to use organic coconut oil or sweet almond oil for the first 5 or 10 minutes when I’m warming my partner up. I find that the natural oils are a good balance of slippery but not too slipper so I can still get my index finger under the hood of her clit.
Then after 10 minutes or so, I might use some Sliquid Silk (not Liquid Silk – I don’t like that because it contains parabens) or Swiss Navy as I add in more g-spot stimulation. I typically do a “lube check” with my partner every few minutes, especially at the beginning of a “DO Date”. Some women like it very, very slippery. Not all women do though so you’ll want to see what works the best for the two of you. It’s fun to practice and try new lubes.